LT Mag. Elias KIM


Assistant to Univ.-Prof. Georg HAMANN




Elias Kim was born in Busan, South Korea and grew up in Vienna.

He pursued his postsecondary education at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, graduating in Violin (performance) with unanimous honours as well as IGP (violin) under o. Univ.-Prof. Klaus Maetzl and IGP (viola) with honours under Univ.-Prof. Georg Hamann.

Kim obtained further training and inspiration from master classes in Prussia Cove, Siena, Verona, and Vienna given by Atar Arad, Salvatore Accardo, Yuri Bashmet, Zakhar Bron, Charles Castleman, Klara Flieder, Ivry Gitlis, Garth Knox, Ernst Kovacic, Johannes Meissl, Midori, Jaap Schroeder, Igor Ozim, Juan Carlos Rybin, and Géza Szilvay as well as by the Alban Berg, Amati, Borodin, and Smetana Quartets and by members of the Vienna Philharmonic.

In the 2007 Osaka International Music Competition, he won a 3rd prize in the Viennese round, a 3rd prize in Osaka, and a special prize.

He has played in Ensemble XX. Jahrhundert and in the Orchester der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien, the Vorarlberg Symphony Orchestra, Weana Gmüat Schrammeln, and Wiener Akademie, in addition to which his activities and positions have included the following:

First Guest Concertmaster of the Busan Philharmonic Orchestra

Member of Trio Gradus ad Parnassum Wien

Founder and leader of Vivaldi Virtuosen Wien

Vereinigte Bühnen Wien (municipal theatre operator of the City of Vienna): leading rehearsals of the scenes with music in the musical Mozart!

Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival: performance with Khatia Buniatishvili

Salzburg Mozart Week: concerts with Rolando Villazón

In addition to his work as the assistant of Univ.-Prof. Georg Hamann at the mdw, Elias Kim’s activities include teaching at a music school of the City of Vienna and serving as a jury member for the Lower Austrian round of the youth music competition Prima la Musica.

Elias Kim (photo: private)