Classical Ensemble for Inclusive Music-Making, elective course]

CONTENT: This course creates an artistic experiential field of lived inclusion both for young people with disabilities and for IGP students in the context of a classical ensemble. It also offers the participating students insights into the education sciences discourse around inclusive teaching and learning, thinking and acting. Essential qualifications in the realm of music-making pedagogy are investigated, with attention also paid to the overall theoretical and socio-political background.
Inclusive musical work in instrumental teaching starts from the assumption that diversity represents enrichment, and that every form of musical expression has the same right to be welcome at music schools and universities of music. Such a heterogeneous group setting will afford you, as future music school teachers, the experience of a new aesthetic quality that can be both artistically relevant and intense. This classical inclusive ensemble puts the idea of individualised music pedagogy in a nutshell since the didactic principles in play here dictate context-appropriate decisions on goals and content as well as flexible employment of methods.

OBJECTIVE: By making classical music together with people with disabilities, students become acquainted with various approaches—some of them specially adapted—to using instruments in an ensemble. In the process, they expand the range of didactic competencies that they can employ in their own instrumental and group teaching while also experiencing inclusive music-making as a successful contribution to personality and community-building.

Classical Ensemble for Inclusive Music-Making, elective course Foto: privat v.l.n.r. Federico Durando, Elyana Foroohari, Christoph Falschlunger, Simon Couvreur, Hiroyo Watanabe, Beate Hennenberg