Instrumental Carousel "Rondino", elective (17.0053)

The 2022 winter semester marks the launch of a cooperative programme together with the Johann Sebastian Bach Music School with a focus on group teaching situations. mdw music education students specialised in violin, viola, and guitar have the opportunity to take part in this “instrument carousel” for elective credit. It will see a primary school class divided into three groups that will spend 10-week periods getting to know specific instruments (with one group learning violin, one learning guitar/ukulele, and one remaining in the classroom with its own focus at any given time). The children will rotate at 10-week intervals and eventually experience all three stations. The participating mdw students will be worked with prior to and following this project in order to ensure them an optimal teaching experience. In addition to learning about elementary musical principles, the children will take their first steps on these instruments.

Duration: 30 weeks total, from October to June (with 15 dates per semester)
Place: Nepomukgasse 2, 1020 Vienna (U1 Nestroyplatz, Rotensterngasse exit)
Time: Thursdays, 1:40–2:30 p.m.
Contact: Katharina Grabenbauer,