Bachelor of Arts in Music Education for Voice and Instruments (IGP) – Guitar
Curriculum information at:

Programme objective:
Training of instrumental and vocal music teachers for both institutional and freelance teaching careers. Concludes with a bachelor’s degree examination that represents a fully valid, state-recognised professional qualification.

Teaching activities may include:
Instrumental and/or vocal instruction at educational institutions (music schools, Oberstufenrealgymnasien [specialised upper-cycle academic secondary schools] with instrumental music as a compulsory subject, Gymnasien [classical academic secondary schools] with instrumental music as an elective), and freelance.

Admission criteria:
For the Music Education – Voice and Instruments (IGP) programme, the completion of which represents a fully valid form of professional qualification, a higher level of playing on one’s instrument is expected than for Music Education (ME).

Entrance Examination (corresponds to IME: 1st instrument):

  1. 2 etudes, e.g., by L. Brouwer, S. Sor, or N. Costé (or equivalent performance pieces of an etude-like character)
  2. 3 performance works of moderate difficulty from
    3 different eras


Bachelor’s degree examination  (corresponds to IME, bachelor’s degree examination, 1st instrument):

  1. 1 or several works from the 16th and/or 17th centuries (Da Milano, Dowland, Mudarra, Narvaez, Kapsberger, or similar)
  2. At least 2 contrasting movements of a cyclical work by Bach or one of his fugues or the Ciaccona from the Second Partita (BWV 1004) for violin
  3. 1 cyclical work (sonata, variations) or 1 or more single-movement works (incl. etudes) from the 19th century lasting at least 5 minutes
  4. 2 or more works from the 20th/21st centuries that must include the following:
    • 1 work from the Spanish and/or Latin American tradition or written in a fairly traditional musical language (Barrios, Turina, Torroba, Castelnuovo Tedesco, or similar) lasting at least 5 minutes
    • One post-1945 work from the realm of contemporary music that differs markedly in style from works that are part of the traditional repertoire, duration: at least 5 minutes.

It is also possible to choose a challenging chamber music work to cover programme item 3) or 4). Eligible in this regard are works that do not include further guitar parts. It is also possible to perform a movement from a solo concerto with piano.

Exam duration: ca. 30 min.

The candidate chooses the piece that should come first, after which the commission will ask to hear other works until the time limit has been reached.

One’s chosen artistic programme must be made available in printed form at the examination.

Didactics Examination:

A cross-section of teaching literature comprised of at least 10 works from 7 areas and 4 levels of difficulty must be listed.

These works will form the basis for the candidate’s didactics examination.




  1. Tutors
  2. Etudes
  3. Renaissance
  4. Baroque
  5. Classical/Romantic
  6. Traditional 20th-century repertoire
  7. Contemporary Music



  1. Introductory
  2. Beginner
  3. Intermediate
  4. Advanced


One of the works may be a chamber music piece.

Examination Structure:

This examination consists of two parts:

1) an oral/rhetorical part lasting ca. 20 min., and

2) a teaching demonstration together with a student lasting ca. 20 min.

Regarding 1): the candidate is permitted to begin the examination by discussing a topic of their own choosing that relates to the provided work list, speaking spontaneously (not reading!).

The examination committee will then ask questions pertaining to further works on the candidate’s list; the answers to these must likewise be spontaneous.

Regarding 2): the candidate should give a demonstration of their teaching conceived to represent not an entire guitar lesson but rather an emphasis appropriate to the level of the participating pupil and the material used in the teaching demonstration.

One’s chosen artistic programme must be made available in printed form at the examination.

Exam duration: ca. 40 minutes