Call for submissions


Deadline for all submissions: 14 March 2015

Notification to presenters: by 1 April 2015


The committee invites submissions from a wide range of practitioners and researchers on the theme of movement in Dalcroze and related practices, for example: the ways in which musicians move to make music, types and theories of movement, traditions and cultures of movement, moving to diverse sources of music (improvised, live, recorded or imagined), movement for specific pedagogical, artistic or therapeutic ends, and observing and facilitating movement.

The following themes are illustrative:


  • Music, sound and movement relationships in music, dance, somatic practices, theatre and therapy
  • Theories of movement
  • Improvised and codified movement in Dalcroze and related practices
  • Types and uses of movement in current and past Dalcroze practice
  • The dynamics of group and solo movement
  • Cultural perspectives on movement, gesture and personal space and how these interact with Dalcroze teaching and learning worldwide
  • The role of movement in the historical development of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
  • Observing and facilitating movement in arts, education and healthcare contexts
  • Issues in conceptualizing, visualizing and verbalizing movement
  • Anatomical, physiological, psychological and neuroscientific perspectives on movement


We welcome presentations on music, movement and the body from a broad range of disciplines (and all their sub-disciplines) including: anthropology, architecture, biomedical science, cultural studies, dance and somatic practices, education, ethnomusicology, gender studies, history, literature, media studies, musicology, music therapy, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, theatre and performance studies, and visual arts.


Types of presentation:


  • Paper (20 mins + 10 mins discussion)
  • Workshop (60 mins, including discussion)
  • Symposium – a shared platform for at least three delegates to present a specific topic in-depth (90 mins, including discussion)
  • Informal performances (duration variable, to be arranged with conference committee)
  • Poster
  • Presentation to host the Dalcroze Studies conference in 2019 (20 mins + 10 mins discussion)


A paper and workshop can be combined in a 90-minute presentation. We strongly encourage practical presentations that show research-in-action, practice-as-research, or innovations in pedagogy/performance/therapy that result from research.


Details for online submission:

When you submit online, include the following information in a document and upload as a pdf:


  • Title of presentation
  • Type of presentation (paper, workshop, symposium, performance, poster, or presentation to host future conference)
  • Name/s of presenter/s
  • Affiliation (i.e. principal place of work/study, or, if appropriate, ‘Independent’)
  • Requirements (e.g. audiovisual, spaces, instruments)
  • Email address
  • Description (If a research paper, please use the following headings: introduction, methodology, results and discussion. If a workshop, please indicate the aim of the workshop, something of the content and how it relates to the conference theme.)


All submissions must be between 200-250 words.

The language of the conference is English.

Delegates may submit up to three abstracts.


All submissions must be accompanied by a biography (500 characters including spaces) in pdf.



After registration log in and submit your Abstract  here :


Please note: To login, please use the email and password that you used to register.