Special events


On the first evening of the conference we will unveil a commemorative plaque on the house where Émile Jaques-Dalcroze was born in 1865.

There will be short presentations from the Swiss ambassador to Austria and a leading historian, along with representatives from FIER (Fédération Internationale des Enseignants de Rythmique) and the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva. We will also enjoy a specially commissioned plastique animée, singing and refreshments.

This is included in the delegate fee.


Laxenburg-ALTESSCHLOSS Laxenburg Castle (Copyright: K.Rainer)

After the conference has officially closed, there will be a coach trip to Laxenburg Castle, south of Vienna, which was the home of the Hellerau-Laxenburg school, a successor to the Bildungsanstalt Jaques-Dalcroze, Hellerau, Germany.

This will include a guided tour by Mrs Barbara Hafner-Düringer (Cultural Society of Laxenburg) of the rooms and gardens used by the teachers and students. It costs €17 in addition to the delegate fee.

Coaches will arrive back at mdw, Vienna 19:30 (7.30 pm) at the latest.

Register online.

If you decided not to take part in the excursion to Laxenburg Castle when you registered, but wish to change your mind, please contact lirsch@mdw.ac.at to arrange payment.


Abb9-41-Hellerau-Ufer2 Hellerau (Copyright: Helfried Steinbrugger)