WELCOME from John Habron


Welcome to the website of the 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies!

I am very proud to invite you to register for this event.

In 2015 we will meet at the University of Music & Performing Arts Vienna, Austria.

The conference is open to all with an interest in music and movement.

The theme is ‘The Movement Connection’.

At the centre of the conference is the body-mind and its many and varied interactions with sound and music. We are interested in how this is expressed across a wide spectrum of traditions, experiences and practices, with Dalcroze Eurhythmics as the connecting thread, but not the only focus. The values of our conference are interdisciplinarity, inclusivity and the interaction of research, theory and practice.

Please browse this site and visit the call for submissions page to find out what the conference has to offer and how you can take part.

For those new to Dalcroze Studies, the web archive of the 1st International Conference of Dalcroze Studies will give you a flavour of what took place at Coventry University in 2013, as well as the enjoyment and learning that we experienced there.

I look forward to welcoming you to Vienna in 2015!


Dr John Habron

Senior Lecturer in Music, Coventry University, UK

Chair of the Scientific Committee, International Conference of Dalcroze Studies



Online registration: Register here!



WELCOME from Angelika Hauser-Dellefant


Welcome to the 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies, a forum where researchers, artists and pedagogues will create a special interdisciplinarity!

Welcome to Vienna, the city with a big heart for music!

Welcome to the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, one of the biggest in the world with 3200 students!

Welcome to the Department of Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics, also one of the biggest in the world with 45 students!

Let’s celebrate the birthday of Émile Jaques-Dalcroze who was born in Vienna 150 years ago. At the beginning of our conference, we will inaugurate a commemorative plaque to him. Then during the following days we will exchange ideas, experiences and knowledge in a full programme of keynotes, paper presentations, posters, workshops and performances. On the last day we will make a special visit to the old romantic castle and garden of Laxenburg.

Join us to share many inspiring moments!


Univ.-Prof. Angelika Hauser-Dellefant

Dean of the Institute of Music and Movement Education and Music-Therapy at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Chair of the Organizing Committee, 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies
