This was our conference!




The 2nd ICDS took place from 27 th to 29 th July 2015.
The opening happened on 26 th July in the evening with a ceremony to unveil a memorial plaque to Emile Jaques-Dalcroze on the house where he was born, to mark the occasion of his 150th birthday.
Many thanks to Paul Hille, who prepared this event over several years!
The direction and coordination of the conference content and organization were the responsibility of Dr John Habron/United Kingdom and Angelika Hauser-Dellefant/Austria.


187 participants from 26 countries participated in the 2ndICDS. All 5 continents were represented.
The speakers came from more than 50 universities. More than 90 papers and workshops were presented.
The 2nd ICDS was supported by different departments of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, as well as by the secretaries and the porters at the different locations.
Mag. Eva Lirsch was responsible for conference administration, the registration process and abstract submission as well as updating the conference website and managing the conference budget.
As well as this, 16 students of rhythmics-studies supported the conference as assistants, including two students of the Erasmus-program from Poland.
The photos were taken by Mag. Irmgard Bankl.


It was important for us to organise the 2nd ICDS as a "green" (environmentally friendly) event.
To achieve this, we used china for refreshments, chose sustainable materials like ecological cotton for the conference-bags and printed the proceedings in an ecological way ("Green printing").
The catering was prepared and offered by Giovannis Arte Cucina.
The light lunches of mediterranean food were mainly organic:
tsatsiki on paprika, tabouleh on chicory, quiche ratatouille, filled tomatoes, cheese of sheep in pastry, crostini with eggs and ham, different cheeses, raw vegetables, fruits, watermelon, different cold drinks.
Coffee breaks offered typical Austrian specialities:               
cinnamon pastry, plum pastry, curd cheese pastry, roll with corn
fruits, coffee, tea, cold drinks


Many thanks for your feedback! Most of your comments were very positive, and many very enthusiastic.
We hope to meet you soon again in Vienna!





„The 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies was a fitting tribute to the life, work, and moving spirit of Emil Jaques-Dalcroze.  The program made the most of the variety of expertise assembled: papers, workshops, performances, seminars, and symposia gave a glimpse of all the many ways Jaques-Dalcroze's theories and methods continue to transform and enrich the teaching and performance of music.  The international diversity of the gathering was celebrated from beginning to end, as was Vienna's glorious cultural and historical heritage. While delegates came from far and wide, with many different interests and abilities, the sense of a common vision and mission was strong and invigorating.  What wonderful music was heard and made!  In my own work as an anthropologist, I have rarely had the chance to be among such a good-humored gathering of generous and creative scholars and artists.  I take with me a deeper sense of the genius and joy embodied in Jaques-Dalcroze's approach and await eagerly the 3rd International Conference.“

Keynotespeaker Prof. Sally Ann Ness /University of California Riverside/USA


„I really enjoyed the conference very much and I learned a lot and made many new friends! The contributions were excellent, the evening concert was for me a revelation and also the intellectual  work-up on Dalcroze inspired me enormously! 

I am sure that our paths will cross again, also because I am increasingly interested in neurologic music therapy!“

Keynotespeaker Prof. Eckart Altenmüller/Hochschule für Musik, Medien und Theater Hannover/Germany


(to John)

„After Selma went home yesterday, I started to clear my desk putting away all my Dalcroze papers. Thinking back, I thank you again for having me.
It was with the greatest enthusiasm that I wrote alle my contributions.
And with the same enthusiasm I followed all the other activities. I
thought the programme was very well put together, just the right balance
between workshop and reflections upon Dalcroze. As a person looking atthe "Rhythmik" from outside, I have - as I said - now the feeling, that
Dalcroze is again more in focus. This was not so 15 or 10 years ago,
especially in Germany. A little critical remark would be, that the
people doing their workshops often have not enough knowledge of the
historical background of what they are doing.
 I am looking forward to the next Dalcroze conference and hope to hear
from you soon!“


(to Angelika)

„Ich möchte mich nochmals herzlich bedanken, Teil dieses so spannenden Kongresses gewesen zu sein! Ich fand die Programmatik wunderbar ausgewogen, Praxis und Reflexion darüber gut ausbalanciert. Ich, als Historikerin, konnte dabei wieder einmal dazulernen.“

Keynotespeaker Prof. Gunhild Oberzaucher-Schüller/Wien/Austria


„I think that this 2nd ICDS was a further very important step in the direction

of scientific securing of Eurhythmics. We had the chance

- to exchange actual results of scientifique research in different countries


- to learn that, although the "face" of Eurhythmics might possibly be different - because of the special development in every coutry -
the results of scientifique research can be very close

- to have personal contacts and could start networking

That's why I want to say many thanks to the organization team, who did an

excellent work creating a warm and open-minded atmosphere and gave

very helpful support!“

Keynotespeaker Mag. Eleonore Witoszynskyj /Austria



(to Angelika)

„You and your colleagues, student team and support staff worked so brilliantly together to make the conference stimulating and enjoyable. It was one of the best experiences ever for me! I can’t thank you enough for your leadership and, also important, your husband for planning the delicious lunches. He intuited exactly what I like to eat.“

Member of the international committee Prof. Selma Odom/em.York University Toronto/Canada


 „Ich hatte auf der Dalcroze Conference in Wien das wohl beste Publikum, welches mich auf selbstverständlichen Händen unter strahlenden hellen Wiener Kronleuchtern in konzertantem Saale in hohe Höhen hob und mit warmen Herzen und klugen Köpfen den wechselnden Leidenschaften meiner Musik folgte und mich und meine Botschaften empfing. Das Gesetz der Resonanz wirkte hier perfekt, die „ Vielfalt" konnte im grossen Universum der MUSIK als Einheit erkannt werden ! WELCH GESCHENK! (…hat nicht schon Nicolas von Cues dies entdeckt…)



Invited artist HILDE KAPPES/University of Arts Berlin/Germany


„Ich fand die Konferenz durch das vielfältige Programm sehr interessant und bereichernd. Es war toll zu sehen, wie viele in Rhythmik/Dalcroze spezialisierten Leute von verschiedensten Richtungen und Ländern eine ähnlich zielgerichtete wunderbare Arbeit leisten und sich damit auch wissenschaftlich auseinandersetzen. Es ist sehr wichtig für die Rhythmik und Rhythmiker/Innen, die Wirkung dieser Vorgehensweise wissenschaftlich zu beweisen, nämlich "wie wir alle wissen" und wie im Laufe der Konferenz immer wieder erleuchtet wurde: man kann viel davon profitieren, die Vorteile sind unzählbar!, sogar im Bereich "Health and wellbeing" kann die Rhythmik sehr Wichtiges beitragen.

Ein sehr großes Lob an die Organisatoren: sowohl an Angelika, Paul, John, alle Helfer die mitgewirkt haben, als auch ein Lob an die Präsentationen und Künstler unserer Abteilung/Musikuni- die zusammen mit anderen Künstler Programm mit einem derartig ein hohem Niveau ermöglicht haben. Noch ein großes Lob an die Vorträge von Eleonore Witoszynskyj, Helga Neira-Zuasti und Herta Himke: "aktive Schätze der Geschichte und Entwicklung der Generationen der Rhythmik in Wien“.“

Participant Mag.Mariel Delgado / Venezuela-Austria


„Thank you so much for your intensive work! I had wonderful days.“

Referee Prof.Dorothea Weise / University of Arts Berlin/Germany


„I feel to show gratitude for your kind attention to the proposal "Dalcroze: movements of a piano composer"! 

I'm glad to gave first performance of some Dalcroze' rythmiques etudes and pieces during your Conference in Vienna. All was planned perfectly! Many thanks again!“

Pianist Paolo Munaò/ Firenze/ Italy


„Die 2nd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies bot nicht nur die Möglichkeit eigene Forschungstätigkeiten vor einem renommierten Publikum zu präsentieren; sie stellte vielmehr die Möglichkeit dar sich auszutauschen, zu vernetzen und mit internationalen Forschern, Pädagogen, Künstlern und Akteuren gemeinsam neue Wege zu gehen. So vielfältig wie die Musik-und Bewegungspädagogik und Dalcroze-Rhythmik sind, so mannigfaltig waren die Teilnehmer, Seminare, Workshops und Präsentationen! Für die Rhythmik wurde mit der zweiten Konferenz nun ein wichtiger und notwendiger Schritt vollzogen - hin zu internationaler Vernetzung und wissenschaftlicher Aufarbeitung. Weiter so!“

Referee Mag.Esther Pürgstaller / Free University of Bozen/ Italy


(to Angelika)

„Thank you for everything you did to make the conference so smoothly organised! I had a wonderful time and it was a pleasure to be involved.“


(to John)

„I had such a wonderful time in Vienna, from discovering what sights I had time to see, meeting many lovely people, and giving a presentation alongside performances. It was a complete pleasure to be involved. Thank you for your support over this process. 

I hope to be involved in further Dalcroze training and research, especially after such an inspiring conference.“

Referee /bursary/ Kathryn Williams / UK


(to John)

„Llongyfarchiadai! Ardderchog! A wonderful, wonderful conference….it completely broke my heart! I’m sure you are absolutely exhausted (I hope you and Bethan are relaxing with a well deserved drink!) but I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you…

I write with deepest, sincere thanks for leading me to the 2nd International Conference in Vienna and giving me the opportunity to present my work. It was experiencing yours and Bethan’s work in Surrey and the wonderful people you are, that inspired me to apply.

It was extremely enriching and stimulating; both the conference content and exchanging thoughts with the delegates. The interdisciplinary nature of the programme highlighted so many different approaches and applications and so many shared perspectives. I was enlightened on so many levels…“

Referee Alison Curtis-Jones/Conservatoire of music and dance/UK


Dear John,

I want to warmly congratulate the organization of a conference in Vienna!

Interesting lectures and workshops, professionally developed proceedings book.

I felt positively that the speech was mainly about the most important elements of the Dalcroze method, and its interdisciplinary essence. It is very good that the meeting was attended by not only the musicians but also people from related disciplines. The development - these are mainly people, their new ideas, reflections and observations. Even if we disagree with them, they in some way affect the perception of reality and the future. Conferences of Eurhythmics in Poland are similar in theory, but in practice often focus around education issues: funding from the government, the curriculum at secondary school level music and future in higher education. Eurhythmics in Poland has a strong position, historically conditioned, but is currently undergoing a crisis, which is due to several reasons, among others : withdraw the Eurhythmics  of nursery classes and a small amount of graduates Eurhythmics  in music secondary schools. Besides the enormous range of extra-curricular activities available in the education market has weakened the popularity of Eurhythmics lessons. I hope that will change, and the more I think that talking about Dalcroze method in the broad context is most justified.

You have met on your way great people Angelika and Paul, who through their involvement and bring a lot of personality.

I am glad that we decided together with Magda and Justyna come to Vienna.

Referee Elzbieta Aleksandrowicz/ Academy of Music / Lodz/Poland


(to John)

I want to say you a big big THANK YOU for this wonderful second session of Dalcroze Resaerch ! It'a always so powerful ! Thanks a lot to do it happen, with your great competencies and…your kindness a smiley person !

Referee MA Christine Croset Rumpf/Haute Ecole Pédagogique/Lausanne/Switzerland


Ich wollte nochmal herzlich gratulieren zu dieser so gelungenen, informativen und inspirierenden Veranstaltung!

Ich konnte am Schluss sogar noch selbst bei einem Workshop mitmachen, ich war bei Andres Lawrence Kings Workshop "Moving the Passions - The Science Of Historical Action". Das war sehr spannend für mich, da ich mich einerseits für alte Musik interessiere und auch selbst Viola da Gamba spiele, andererseits daran interessiert bin, wie man die Essenz der Aufführungspraxis um 1600 auf die heutige Bühne übertragen kann.

Nach diesen Tagen (und all dem, was ich gehört und erfahren habe) würde ich auch sehr gerne meine Tochter Arianna für einen Rhythmik-Kurs anmelden. Sie wird Ende September fünf. Weißt du wann die Kurse für Kinder im Herbst anfangen?

Technician Robert Hofmann/mdw/Austria


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