Mathilde Hoursiangou

The French pianist Mathilde Hoursiangou was born in Paris and studied
there at the Conservatoire National.
She has been living in Vienna since the 1990’s, where she is in many
ways actively integrated in the musical world.
Apart from working on the classical and romantic chamber music
repertoire and her passion for ancient keyboard instruments, she
focusses on music of the 20th and 21th century.
She is especially interested in working with living composers, as well as
in discovering unknown ways of expression, which she promotes with
great conviction and enthusiasm.
She has premiered and recorded numerous pieces dedicated to her.
She is co-founder of Ensemble Phace, Contemporary Music Vienna, and
free-member of Klang Forum Wien.
She is teaching at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
(contemporary techniques and practice of New Music at the piano),
where she is deeply engaged in the pedagogical development of
contemporary music teaching.
Her project Saiten-Tasten/Strings&Keys, Inside studies for the other
piano, deals with extended techniques inside the piano.
21 european composers take part in this project, which has been
presented for the first time at the festival Wien Modern in Novembary
