Anaïs Tamisier

was born in Avignon, France.

At the age of 13, she continued her violin studies at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris with Professor Suzanne Gessner, then at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de musique de Lyon with Pavel Vernikov and Marianne Piketty.

She received further impulses during her postgraduate studies with Petru Munteanu at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Michael Frischenschlager at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Raphaël Oleg and Rainer Sonne at the UdK Berlin.

Already in 2004 she received the music pedagogical state diploma in France and taught at the Conservatoire National Régional de Dijon.

She is a founding member of the Darian Trio, which was awarded the Special Prize of the Fondation Pro Musicis at the Pro Music Competition in Paris in 2012 and the Tait Memorial Award (GB) in 2015. As a permanent member of the European Chamber Music Academy in 2013-2014, she was privileged to benefit from the musical and human support of internationally renowned artists such as Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl, Ferenc Rados, Erich Höbarth, András Schiff, Petr Prause and Miguel da Silva.

Anaïs Tamisier is a laureate of the Fondation Singer-Polignac and the Fondation Cziffra. She has performed as a soloist and chamber musician in France, England, Austria, Germany, Norway, Canada, China and Japan and has performed at numerous festivals including Open Chamber Music Prussia Cove, Festival de Prades, Lockenhaus Chamber Music Festival, Mozartfest Würzburg, Jeunesse Austria and Setouchi Triennale in Japan.

In Vienna, she has performed in numerous different chamber music formations, from duo to string sextet, including the Glass Hall and Brahms Hall of the Vienna Musikverein and the Mozart Hall of the Vienna Konzerthaus. As part of the RSO Vienna's chamber music series, she has been a guest at the Arnold Schönberg Center and the Vienna Radio Culture House and has often been heard on Ö1.


Anaïs Tamisier has been first violinist in the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra since 2008 and interim principal 1st violin since February 2021.

She is co-founder and artistic director of the International Violin Competition "Ginette Neveu" for young violinists in Avignon.

Credit: Andrej Grilc