diploma studies composition // music theory

m u s i c   t h e o r y

(6 semesters)


The major in Music Theory is located between composition/improvisation and musicology. It is dedicated to understanding music in the context of compositional practice, the history of aesthetic impact and academic reflection. This interdisciplinary approach gives it a distinct profile compared to the related subjects of musicology and composition.

The professional opportunities are manifold:

  • artistic-academic teaching and research (at universities, conservatories, music schools, adult education centres, foundations, archives, etc.).
  • work in publishing, music production, concerts, radio, music journalism, cultural institutions

After the first stage of study, which serves to acquire a in-depth knowledge of canonised compositional techniques and their practical application, the second stage of study develops the ability to deal with composed and improvised music in an autonomous theoretical and creative manner and to develop theoretical concepts independently. The application, criticism, revision or expansion of existing doctrines is practised. Students will actively and experimentally engage with historical and current ideas in the field of university didactics on music theory. They practise the verbal and, in particular, the written presentation of findings that emerge from their music theory research and practice. A variety of methods and interdisciplinarity are sought. One focus is on the independent theoretical examination of 20th and 21st century music. The teaching programme also allows for individual accentuation.

The music theory programme at the mdw has a special profile due to the following:

  • the inclusion of source studies in theory development (work with manuscripts, drafts, sketches, verbal concepts of composers, including music of the 20th and 21st centuries) as well as collaboration with archives on music of the 20th century
  • focus on research into tonal perspectives (harmony, density, texture, timbre, etc.)
  • testing historical methods of compositional theory
  • inclusion of improvisation
  • diverse co-operation with international parallel institutes (e.g. Basel, Beijing, Leipzig, Prague, Santiago de Chile)

The Music Theory branch of study can be taken in the 2nd stage of the degree programme alone or in parallel with the subjects Composition, Electroacoustic Composition or Media Composition & Applied Music. It is also possible to continue another music degree programme (school music, instrumental subject, church music, composition, etc.) with the music theory degree programme.


further information:

Information sheet & Curriculum
Overview of all persons working at IKT

Doctorate programme (PhD)

Doctorate programmes in Music Theory & Musicology are also available.

p r o f e s s o r s


Annegret Huber, Univ.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in

Frauke Jürgensen, Univ.-Prof. PhD