diploma studies composition // music theory

u n d e r g r a d u a t e   p h a s e

(4 semesters)

The first part of the composition / music theory degree programme provides students with basic knowledge in the areas of composition, harmony, aural training and analysis. The study of historic developments up to 1950, with a focus on the counterpoint and compositional theory of Bach and Palestrina, serves to provide historical context and enables students to deal confidently with traditional craftsmanship and to acquire a broad knowledge of how to talk about music. In addition, specialised subjects allow an initial examination of the specialisations that follow in the second stage of the course.

t e a c h e r s


Periklis Liakakis, Mag.art.
Martin Lichtfuss, Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Dr.phil.
Gerald Resch, Mag.art. Mag.phil. Universitätsprofessor*in
Gernot Schedlberger, Mag.art.
Dietmar Schermann, o.Univ.-Prof.
Wolfgang Suppan, Mag.art. Priv.-Doz.

Introduction to studio technology / Introduction to acoustics
/ Electroacoustic composition techniques

Peter Plessas, Dipl.-Ing.

Aural Training

Katharina Blassnigg, MMag.art. 
Violaine de Larminat 


Clemens Gadentstätter


Christos Marantos, Mag.art. Bakk.art.
Kaori Nishii, Mag.art.
Atousa Salehi, MA.
Sigrid Trummer, Mag.art.


Anne Elizabeth Ewing-Greinecker, M.Mus., B.Mus. (Hons), L.Mus.A. (Vln), A.Mus.A. (Pf, Th.o.M., Vc)
Annegret Huber, Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Dr.phil.
Angelika Silberbauer, Mag.art. Mag.phil. PhD

Practical course in electronic music

Thomas Mayr, Dipl.-Ing.
Oliver Stotz