diploma studies composition // music theory

e l e c t r o a c o u s t i c   c o m p o s i t i o n

(6 semesters)


The major in Electroacoustic Composition teaches the musical, theoretical and technical skills to create electroacoustic and experimental music in a wide variety of forms, namely algorithmic composition, live electronics, computer music, sound art and related art forms such as performance, mixed media and interactive art.

Electroacoustic music encompasses the creative exploration of the following topics:

  • experimental methods of computer music
  • application and development of digital tools for composition, sound synthesis and sound processing
  • live electronics, i.e. the interaction of acoustic instruments or voices with electronic and digital systems
  • development of new types of electronic instruments that are controlled via analogue or digital interfaces and/or go beyond them
  • the cultivation of a specific performance practice
  • innovative sound art (radio art, acousmatic music, sound installations)
  • exploration of neighbouring digital arts such as video, computer art, interactive multimedia, performance, sound projection (surround sound, wave field synthesis, sound reinforcement concepts)

Not only the renewal of production methods is at the centre of the course. Equally important is the examination of changing forms of presentation: Sound installations in public spaces, offline and online communication in established and conceptual networks form a rapidly developing field of work for artists. Acousmatics as an autonomous art of projected sounds enters into dialogue with acoustic phenomena of instrumental and vocal composition in mixed-media and multimedia projects.


further information:

Information sheet & Curriculum
Overview of all persons working at IKT

p r o f e s s o r s


Karlheinz Essl, Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.