s t u d y   c o u r s e s

The Department of Composition Studies and Audio Production unites the creative studies of contemporary fields of activity relating to sound and sound art in the process of creating, producing and reflecting on music. We see ourselves as a place for experimentation and artistic research, based on excellent technical training. Our interdisciplinary approach to the concept of art is closely linked to the practice of creating music. Our focus is on the development of innovative, new and individual means of expression for our students, particularly taking into account their artistic relevance with regard to cultural and socio-political realities.

The department is located in the new Future Art Lab (FAL) at Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, in the centre of Vienna. The teaching facilities there include numerous studios and workstations for recording, editing and post-production, music production and live electronics. Two recording rooms allow simultaneous work on different projects thanks to the adjoining control rooms. In the sound control room, it is possible to work on a large screen before the finished films are shown in the in-house arthouse cinema. IKT also has an experimental studio and an audio lab where the students' imagination knows almost no bounds.

Our team of internationally active artists and external lecturers supervise teaching, research and production in the context of experimental and applied music, audio-visual media and sound engineering. In addition to sound research, teachers and students are dedicated to various areas – for example algorithmic composition, electroacoustic composition, sound art and sound installation, computer music, generative composition, film music and sound design for visual media, music theatre, performance art, multimedia, instrumental and vocal composition, music theory, recording direction, film sound, sound direction and specialised production of classical and popular music recordings.