12th-14th of June 2025

Save the Date:

Opening of the International Research Center Gender and Performativity







27th of March 2025 - F*GG LAB

Forwarded by our dear colleagues of F*GG from University of Vienna:

At the F*GG LAB, we want to discuss historical research on women*, gender relations and constructions of difference in regular workshop discussions. In doing so, it is important to us to link research from different thematic, temporal and geographical contexts. Beyond networking, we would like to initiate a methodological-theoretical exchange on open questions, controversies and future perspectives of women's and gender history. We welcome the participation of colleagues at all stages of their university career.

On March 27, 2025 at 6:30 p.m., Cäcilia Wosnitzka, Prae-doc at the Institute of Contemporary History, will talk about diasporic spaces of female Polish emigrants in the (West) German history of democracy before 1993.

We warmly invite you to the first appointment and look forward to seeing many of you there!

When: Thursday, March 27th, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Kolingasse 14-16, SR 12

Afterwards: Café Stein, Währinger Str. 6-8, 1090 Wien

Natascha Bobrowsky and Paula Lange (organizers of the F*GG LAB)
Johanna Gehmacher and Dietlind Hüchtker (heads of the Key Research Area
and Doc-School Cluster F*GG)


Mor Information about F*GG LAB: https://fsp-fgg.univie.ac.at/fgg-lab/.



Save the Date: 08th of May 2025

Prof. Dr. Evelyn Annuß and Dr. Isabel Frey

are participating in the event series "Abdrift ins Autoritäre, oder Kunsthochschulen als Ort der Kritik" in the summer semester 2025.

More about the event series at: https://krisol-wissenschaft.org/facing-the-drift/



10th of December 2024, 6 pm at the Library of mdw (ub.mdw) - Bruno Walter Reading Room

Book presentation (in German): 

  Populismus kritisieren Kunst – Politik – Geschlecht

The editors Evelyn Annuß,  Ralf von AppenSarah ChakerSilke FelberAndrea GlauserTherese Kaufmann and Susanne Lettow present the newly published volume Populismus kritisieren Kunst – Politik – Geschlecht.



- Evelyn Annuß and Monika Mokre: "Populismus revisited"
- Birgit Sauer: "Faschisierung und Maskulinismus. Die autoritäre Rechte in Österreich"
- Kai Ginkel: "Populäre Musik und Rechtspopulismus in Österreich"
- Julia Roth: "Male Again? Die US-Wahl aus intersektionaler populismuskritischer Perspektive"


The volume is already available in German in open access here: https://www.transcript-verlag.de

Find out more in the mdw event calendar.



12th of December 2024, 7 pm, at the Arthouse-Kino

Film screening:

Moretones (2023), 90 min


followed by a discussion between the director Ginan Seidl and Wei-Ya Lin (Artistic Research Center)

More information in the mdw event calendar.



16th of May, 2024, 5pm

Pre-opening of the International Research Center Gender and Performativity  


Jack Halberstam - Unworlding: Trans* Architectures


In cooperation with the FWF PEEK-project (AR598) Navigating Dizziness Together (www.on-dizziness.com).




mdw-GENDER STUDIES LECTURE SERIES: Performing Challenges

The Gender Lecture Series explores the relationships between performing arts and interdependent social, political, and ecological challenges. Challenge is meant here in the literal sense of a questioning or doubting, but also as a suggestion, invitation, provocation, or taking on. We want to ask, on the one hand, how current global challenges find form in the arts, that is to say, how they are performed, and on the other, how performative practices themselves challenge, invite, and potentially provoke change. In this context, it is the aesthetic means and conditions of performing today, situated at the intersections of performing arts, activism, politics and theory, that are to be at the centre of our joint engagement with and discussion of gender issues.

Find more information here







Since autumn 2020, the lecture series has regularly included lectures, workshops and panel discussions with renowned experts from science and the arts.,

Find more information here




FACING_DRAG Film and Lecture Series with


  • Fatima Naqvi (Yale): Fassbinder’s Fascist Drag
  • Diedrich Diederichsen (Vienna): No Climax no Highlight – Jack Smith, Das Kapital, Vol I to III
  • Stephan Geene (Berlin): SHAYNE. eine mini-serie in 6 teilen


Find more information here



War in Ukraine: Intersectional Perspectives

Talk and lecture series:

Lecture and Talk: A. Haaron Akram-Lodhi (Trent University, Canada): War, Ukraine and Food: a Global Crisis

War in Ukraine: Intersectional perspectives from the Belarusian opposition
Talk with Olga Shparaga (European College of Liberal Arts in Belarus, Minsk/ Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin)

War in Ukraine: Intersectional Perspectives
Talk with Monika Mokre (The Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History )


Find more information here.




You can find information on past events here.