
Tatjana Nikolic is part of the IKM research team in the field of Cultural Institution Studies since 2022. She graduated Cultural and Media Management at the University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Study Programme Cultural and Media Management and is currently PhD Candidate with the dissertation “Gender and Age Equality in the Cultural Policy of Serbia” under the supervision of prof. emerita Milena Dragicevic Sesic.

Since 2013 she is active member of the Collective of Young Women FEMIX in Serbia, implementing “initiatives and programs for improving gender equality within cultural scene and among young people, including Girls Rock Camp Serbia. Her book on “Gender Relations in the Alternative Music Scene of Serbia and the region” was awarded by the Institute for Gender Equality of the Province of Vojvodina and published in 2016. In 2021 she co-edited a thematic collection “Digital Horizons of Culture, Arts and Media” with prof. Milena Dragicevic Sesic. Recently she has been member of the research team “Female Leadership in Music: a cross-genre research on women´s roles, agency and collaborative music-making practices in Serbia“ led by prof. Iva Nenic of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, financed by the Scientific Fund of the Republic of Serbia, project team “Gender Equality generates Cultural Diversity” implemented by the Association of the Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia, funded by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity of the UNESCO, ERASMUS consortium “Reinventing Mentorship in Arts Management” led by Estonian Music and Theatre Academy, as well as the Executive Board of the Association of Theatres for Children and Young Audiences ASSITEJ Serbia.


Publications and presentations (selection)

Cveticanin, P., Nikolic, T., Bobicic, N. (2023) Gender and Labor in the Cultural Field of Serbia. Faculty of Arts: Niš, Association of Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia: Belgrade. Open Access in English and Serbian language.

Nikolic, T., Mitic Minic, K. (2023). Women in Music: Possibilities and Responsibilities of Cultural Management and Policy. In Nenic, I, Cimardi, L. (Eds) Women’s Leadership in Music: Modes,  Legacies, Alliances. Transcript Verlag. Open Access, pp. 153-166.

Dragicevic Sesic, M., Nikolic, T. (2023) City Cultural Policies and Participative Governance Models, In Cultural Policy Yearbook 2020-2021 - Culture in the Cities: Present and Future, pp. 67-84. KPY - News - Cultural Policy Yearbook 2020-21 (

Nenic, I., - Nikolic, T. (2022). Trabajo y Liderazgo Femenino en la Música. Contextos, Restricciones, Futuro(s)” Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society, 7, 123-138. DOI: [Female labour and leadership in music. Contexts, constraints, future(s). Debats. Journal on Culture, Power and Society 136(2)].

Jovićevic, J, Nikolic, T (2022). “Young Female Jazz Instrumentalists in Southeastern Europe: Self-esteem and Self-efficacy in the Context of Tokenism”. Paper presented at the 13th International Jazz Research Conference. University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. 9–12 June.

Nikolić, T., Ilčić, M. (2021). “Mobilne aplikacije u sektoru kulture u Srbiji” [Mobile Apps in the Cultural Sector of Serbia]. In Digitalni horizonti kulture, umetnosti i medija, edited by Milena Dragićević Šešić and Tatjana Nikolić, 97–119. Belgrade: Faculty of Dramatic Arts, CLIO. horizonti-2021.pdf

Nikolic, T. (2020). Društveni angažman mladih umetnica u digitalnom kontekstu. [Social engagement of young female artists in the digital context]. Kultura: casopis za sociologiju i teoriju kulture i kulturnu politiku, 169, pp. 86-112. ДРУШТВЕНИ АНГАЖМАН МЛАДИХ УМЕТНИЦА У ДИГИТАЛНОМ КОНТЕКСТУ - Časopis Kultura (

Nikolic, T. (2019) Umetnicki projekti sa migrantkinjama u Srbiji - pitanja kulturnog i rodnog identiteta. [Art projects with female migrants in Serbia - the question of cultural and gender identity]. Interkulturalnost: casopis za podsticanje i afirmaciju interkulturalne komunikacije, 18, pp. 84-95.

Nikolic, T. (2017) Ucesce i položaj žena u stvaranju muzike u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. [Participation and the position of women in creating music in former Yugoslavia]. Zbornik završnih radova studenata 2015/2016 i 2016/2017. Beogradska otvorena škola, pp. 115-124.

Nikolic, T. (2016). Rodni odnosi na alternativnoj muzikoj sceni Srbije i regiona [Gender relations within the alternative music scene of Serbia and the region]. Pokrajinski zavod za ravnopravnost polova: Novi Sad. “Родни односи на алтернативној музичкој сцени Србије и региона”, Татјана Николић (2016) - Завод за равноправност полова ( Tatjana Nikolić, MA

PhD Candidate in Cultural Institutions Studies


Tel.: +43 1 711 55 3413