a r t i s t i c   r e s e a r c h

With the founding of the Artistic Research Center (ARC), a new organisational unit was created to bundle all artistic research at the University of Music and Performing Arts.


Two three-year third-party funded projects are currently underway at the former Department of Composition, Electroacoustics and Tonmeister Education as part of the PEEK funding programme of the FWF Austrian Science Fund:


creative (mis)understandings

Project managers: Johannes Kretz, Wei-Ya Lin

To the report on the website of the Taiwanese embassy.


rotting sounds 

Project manager: Thomas Grill

To the articel in DerStandard


symposium «Performing, Engaging, Knowing»

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is organising a symposium on the topic of application-oriented artistic music research in collaboration with the Department of Composition Studies and Audioproduction at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Swiss Society for Ethnomusicology. Proposals for contributions must be submitted by 15 January 2020.


think tank: Artistic Research

In 2018, three meetings took place at Department 1 to which various experts from the field of Artistic Research (AR) were invited. Because defining - i.e. setting hard boundaries - contradicts the very essence of Artistic Research, a collection of characteristics and indications for artistic research was presented and documented as part of the think tank, building on the wealth of experience and varying viewpoints of all those involved. 

"Wir sind überzeugt, dass ein intensiver, freier und unvoreingenommener Gedankenaustausch von einer überschaubaren Anzahl von Fachleuten ein wertvolles Werkzeug zur Generierung und Bündelung von Wissen sein kann, und wollen mit dieser Initiative einen qualitätsvollen Beitrag zur Klärung und Positionierung von AR an der mdw leisten."

"We are convinced that an intensive, free and unbiased exchange of ideas between a manageable number of experts can be a valuable tool for generating and bundling knowledge, and with this initiative we want to make a high-quality contribution to the clarification and positioning of AR at the mdw."