diploma studies composition // music theory

i n s t r u m e n t a l   ⁄⁄  v o c a l   c o m p o s i t i o n

(6 semesters)


The major in Composition (instrumental/vocal) teaches the basic skills for the organisation and realisation of sounds within a current cultural environment. With knowledge of the plural aesthetic diversity, the composer should be enabled to exercise different fields of activity in creative, innovative and reproductive work processes in an equally competent manner.  In their search for orientation within the spectrum of contemporary music, students are encouraged and supported in finding and representing their own compositional standpoint. The focus is on the examination of relevant forms of contemporary music.

The training aims to:

  • to develop sound languages in which people can communicate and understand each other in a differentiated way beyond commercially used ways;
  • to use and develop reflection and analysis as critical tools;
  • to build up construction and spontaneity as a creative basis.

This is aimed at not only through the promotion of artistic personality development, but equally through:

  • a solid and broadly conceived aural training;
  • the systematic study of historical compositional techniques;
  • analysing representative literature and studying the repertoire of all eras;
  • the technical mastery of one or more instruments;
  • the teaching of knowledge in the field of electro-acoustic disciplines.

This range of teaching content is taught from the very first semester onwards on the basis of personal supervision of the students. The comprehensive and varied training is intended to encourage future composers to seek an inner truth and follow it.


further information:

Information sheet & Curriculum
Overview of all persons working at IKT


p r o f e s s o r s

Karlheinz Essl, Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.

Clara Iannotta, Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.

Michael Jarrell, o.Univ.-Prof.

Olga Neuwirth, Univ.-Prof. Mag.art.

Judit Varga, Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. MA.