diploma studies composition // music theory
m e d i a c o m p o s i t i o n ⁄⁄ a p p l i e d m u s i c
(6 semesters)
Composers' careers are hardly possible without knowledge of the interaction between music, media and their technologies. Inspiration, composition, performance and recording are decisively influenced by technological developments. Technological aspects therefore play a central role in the Media Composition & Applied Music degree programme. The conscious use of different media tools, the artistic examination of the constantly changing relationship between hearing and seeing as well as the development of an independent, distinctive compositional language are central concerns of this university programme.
Composing in a complex creative space requires a high degree of reflection, as well as a careful and precise use of the available means and a constant willingness to question and, if necessary, revise one's own position. Various media contexts of music are thematised in the course of the degree programme and processed compositionally (among other things):
- Music and theatre/performance
- Music and film
- sound design
- Music and video (games)
- Sound installation
- Big Band
- (Post-)Production
The degree programme enables graduates to work independently, innovatively and creatively in the fields of media composition and applied music.
further information:
Information sheet & Curriculum
Overview of all persons working at IKT
p r o f e s s o r s
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, Univ.-Prof. Mag.
Judit Varga, Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. MA.
Walter Werzowa, Univ.-Prof. MA.