Lectures & Conferences Papers [*=upon invitation]

“Ways and Limits of Transcending Traditional Roles at the Harpsichord: Sylvia Marlowe (New York, 1908–1981) and Antoinette Vischer (Basel, 1909–1973)” (paper at the International Musicological Conference “Transcending Traditional Roles: Female Musicians on the Path to Artistic Freedom, ” Ljubljana, 21-22 Nov. 2024)

“‘Some Sort of Machine Without a Body’ – György Ligeti and Antoinette Vischer Explore the Modern Harpsichord” (paper at “Kylwiria and Other Explorations – An international musicological conference on György Ligeti’s centenary,” Vienna & Budapest, 10–13 May 2023)

"Antoinette Vischers 'List einerFrau'? Selbst- und Fremdkonzeptionen einer Schweizer Musikerin in den 1950er/60er Jahren" (guest lecture in the context of the colloquium "Gender Studies: Werkstattberichte und musikwissenschaftliche Positionen" at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, online, 9 January, 2023)

"Performers as Commissioners of New Music in the Twentieth Century" Project Presentation (guest lecture in the context of the lecture series "Overview Musicology" at the University for Music and PerformingsArts Vienna", 15 December, 2022)

"The 'Classical' Benny Goodman: Conceptions, Perceptions, Legacies" (paper at the 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress, Athens, Aug. 2022 & at the AMS-New England Chapter Meeting at Harvard, Sept. 2022)

“Transatlantic Perspectives on Women Performers as Patrons: Antoinette Vischer, Sylvia Marlowe, and the Modern Harpsichord” (paper at the study group meeting “Musical Patronage across Borders: Gender, Institutions, and Economics of Music” at the 21st Quinquennial IMS Congress, Athens, Aug. 2022)

"Performers as Commissioners: Preconditions, Self-Conceptions, Impacts" (poster presentation at the 12th Biennial International Conference on Music Since 1900, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, UK, June 17–20, 2022)

* “Beethovens Musikerkolleginnen: Zu den hohen Stimmen an der Bonner Hofkirche” (paper at the conference “Beethoven und seine rheinischen Musikerkollegen”, Bonn, June 10–12, 2022)

* "Ein Blick (in die Sammlung) Antoinette Vischer (1909-1973): Selbstbilder einer modernen Cembalistin" (paper at the Colloquium of the Paul Sacher Foundation, online, Dec. 7, 2021)

* “Hof Macht Musik an Donau und Rhein: Erzherzog und Kurfürst Maximilian Franz (1756–1801) in seinen musikalischen Umfeldern” (guest lecture at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, Cologne, Dec. 1, 2021)

* “’Swing and Mozart, too’ – Benny Goodman zwischen den Welten” (lecture at the Austrian Society for Music, Vienna, Oct. 19, 2021)

“’For Benny Goodman’ – A (not so) Unexpected Legacy in Classical Music” (poster presentation at the International Congress of the German Musicological Society, Bonn, Sept. 28 – Oct. 1, 2021)

“Intermediary Between Two Worlds: The Role of Eric Simon in Benny Goodman’s Commissioning of Classical Music” (paper at the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society, online, Nov. 2020)

* “1780–2020: Narrationen vom kultur/politischen Einfluss Wiens in Bonn kritisch betrachtet” (paper at the International Congress “Beethoven Perspectives,” Bonn, Feb. 2020)

* “’L’Orfeo Alemanno fra Paradiso e Inferno.’ Aufführungen und Rezeption von Werken Franz Liszts in Rom, ca. 1860–1890” (lecture at the Austrian Historical Institute, Rome, June 2019)

“’Second Hand’ aus Wien? Zu den Werken Georg Reutters im Musikarchiv der Bonner Hofkirche” (joint paper with Anna Sanda at the conference “Vernetztes Sammeln. Klostermusikarchive im Kontext,” Krems, April 2019)

“Graf Ferdinand Waldstein und sein Bonner Kreis” (paper at the workshop “Rückzugsgefechte? Handlungsspielräume, Kunstmentoring und Selbstentwürfe des europäischen Hochadels um 1800,” Vienna, March 2019)

* “On the Relation of Music and Power at the Late-18th-Century-Court as Exemplified by the Bonn Electoral Residence” (guest lecture at the University of Chicago, Nov. 2018) * “Musik – Macht – Kirche. Musikalische Repräsentation geistlicher Herrschaft am Bonner Hof Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts” (guest lecture at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, June 2018)

* “Between Representation and Rationalism? On the roles of music at late 18th-century court as exemplified by the Bonn electoral residence” (guest lecture at the Franz Liszt Academy for Music, Budapest, Dec. 2017)

“Ritus – Repräsentation – Musik. Die Ritterschläge des Deutschen Ordens am Hof von Kurfürst Maximilian Franz” (joint paper with Birgit Lodes and John D. Wilson at the conference “Musik an geistlichen Höfen der Frühen Neuzeit,“ Vienna, Oct. 2017)

“How ‘bourgeois’ was musical life around 1800? A narrative put to the test, and new perspectives for musicological research” (paper at the 11th Annual Graduate Conference in European History “Beyond Established Narratives,” European University Institute, Florenz, April 2017)

“Musikkulturelles Handeln am Wiener Hof. Neue Perspektiven auf höfische Musikpraxis am Ende der Frühen Neuzeit” (paper at the International Congress of the German Musicological Society, Mainz, Sept. 2016)

“Sozialisation - Interaktion - Netzwerk. Zum Umgang mit Musikern im Adel anhand des Beispiels des Erzherzogs Maximilian Franz” (paper at the conference “Beethoven and the Last Generation of Court Musicians in Germany,” Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Dec. 2015)

“The Operatic Library of Maximilian Franz: some results and new directions for Beethoven research” (joint paper with John D. Wilson at the Fifth New Beethoven Research Conference, Louisville/Kentucky, Nov. 2015)

“Erzherzoginnen und Erzherzöge am Fuße des Parnass. Kaiserliches Kindertheater als Sozialisations- und Repräsentationsinstrument am Hof Maria Theresias” (paper at the summer school “Spiele und Machtspiele in der Vormoderne” at the German Historical Institute Paris, June 2015)

“Kurfürsten – Wandertruppen – Hofmusiker. Akteure des Transfers im Bonner Musikleben 1778– 1794” (joint paper with John D. Wilson at the workshop “Akteure und Netzwerke des Transfers,” Brno, June 2015)

* “’Zum profanen Gebrauche’ oder ‘erhabenen Zweck’? Der Universitätsfestsaal als Konzertraum” (“Wiener Vorlesung: Musik°Raum°Aura°Mechanik,” Vienna, March 2015)

“’Abends ware Opera...Nachmittag wurde eine kleine Musique gehalten...’ Die ‘Prinzenreise’ des Erzherzogs Maximilian Franz 1774/75 aus kulturhistorischer Perspektive” (paper at the conference of the “Young Musicolology” of the Austrian Society for Musicology, Klagenfurt, Oct. 2014)