Promotion of Young Researchers


mdw young research award 2023

On 27 September 2023, the mdw awarded the first ever "mdw young research award". Two out of the five winners of this award for pre-scientific papers related to music, which were written by the students to fulfil the requirements of the Austrian secondary school leaving certificate ("Matura") 2023, wrote papers with a music sociological focus. These two papers were reviewed and recommended for the award by IMS members.

Athina Tschurtschenthaler: Musical Socialisation: Individual - Sociological - Cultural Policy (Abstract, in German, PDF)

Celina Zier: Educational Practice and Career Opportunities of Musical Theater Performers (Abstract, in German, PDF)

Foto: © Nane Holy. 2nd from left: Celina Zier, 2nd from right: Athina Tschurtschenthaler

mdw's press release about the award ceremony