10. Dezember 2024 | 18:00 Uhr
ub.mdw | Bruno Walter - Lesesaal
Anton - von Weber - Platz 1 | 1030 Wien
Book presentation (in German) with short impulses by:
Evelyn Annuß and Monika Mokre: Populismus revisited
Birgit Sauer: Faschisierung und Maskulinismus. Die autoritäre Rechte in Österreich
Kai Ginkel: Populäre Musik und Rechtspopulismus in Österreich
Julia Roth: Male Again? Die US-Wahl aus intersektionaler populismuskritischer Perspektive
Moderatet by Therese Kaufmann, Andrea Glauser, Sarah Chaker and Ralf von Appen
Right-wing populist movements and discourses draw on new, aestheticized styles of politics and artistically tested forms of provocation that previously had left-wing connotations. They also occupy gender, family, and sexuality as trigger topics. The contributors bring together research on populism with approaches from the humanities and cultural studies, focusing on the cultural field and gender discourses as specific terrains of negotiation. In addition to an analysis of how the “right-wing populist complex” instrumentalizes current social issues, they also open up counter-strategies in the sense of radical democratic and emancipatory politics.