Patrick Gratzer

© Patrick Gratzer

Patrick Gratzer


Project Assistant



Academic Education & Career

Since April 2023: Project Assistant at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw)

2021 – 2022: Staff member at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) in the communication/coordination office

2015 – 2020: MA Sociology (University of Vienna)

2011 – 2015: BA Sociology (University of Vienna)

2010 – 2012: Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning (BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)


Research Focus

  • Technology & Social Theory, through the example of anti-dualist theories of technology (actor-network theory, techno-pragmatism, postphenomenology)
  • Technology & Subjectification, through the example of self-tracking apps and wearables („Quantified Self“)
  • Conceptualisation of the Social, through the example of dualist and anti-dualist approaches


Ongoing Research Project (collaboration)