Welcome to the website of the Department of Piano!
The Department of Piano Performance offers the following degree programmes:
Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Piano Performance
Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Art Song Interpretation Piano (Performance)
Postgraduate programmes in:
Piano Performance
Art Song Interpretation Piano (Performance)
Master's degree programme in Piano and Contemporary Music
Another important area of the department is the early instrumental education. The department offers:
Preparation Classes for young pianists aged 15 to 19, University Programme for Gifted Children from 14 to 16 and the Course for Gifted Children for young pianists aged 6 to 14.
Outstanding artists, most of whom are themselves active in international concert life, pass on musical values of the Viennese sound and performance style, including all important traditions and schools. In today's professional environment, which makes great demands on individuals and requires equally great flexibility, the central concern of keyboard instrument programmes is to convey the musical and interpretational competencies as well as the technical abilities necessary for a successful musical career.
Department of Piano
Head of Department
Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Jasminka Stancul-Cernko
Associate Head of Department
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Christopher Hinterhuber
Nicon Mladin, MA.
Tel.: +43 1 71155-2201
Mobil: +43 664 883 70 874
Chisato Yonekawa
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
Building V / 2nd floor
1030 Vienna