Final Examinations

for the Academic Year 2023/24

Here you find all dates for the following exams:

Registration please at the StudiesCenter, Anton von Webern Platz 1, 1030 Vienna.

There are following dates/deadlines for all students at the mdw:

For Examinations in January 2024:
2nd to 24th of October 2023
Upload for Master- or Diplomathesis till 17th of October 2023 at the latest
Deadline for the grades: please contact the

For Examinations in May/June 2024:
1st to 26th of March 2024
Upload for Master- or Diplomathesis till 19th of March 2024 at the latest
Deadline for the grades: please contact the

If not all necessary documents have been submitted by the students by these deadlines, the staff of the StudiesCenter will deregistered the date of the examination.