In order to better meet the diverse learning and training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, there is the possibility for doctoral students to complete a short-term study period in Europe.



Erasmus+ supports short-term mobilities of 5 to 30 days (depending on budgetary coverability).



The grant is 79 euros per day for the first 14 days of stay and 56 euros per day for the remaining days of stay (up to a maximum of 30 days). Students with lower opportunities will receive an additional grant. (Grant amount may change)

A one-time subsidy of 50 euros is provided for the use of environmentally friendly means of transportation. Additionally, up to four extra travel days can be applied for.

Students studying abroad through Erasmus+ do not pay tuition fees at their host university.



Destinations can be found here. (Please note, for PhD Short Term Doctoral Mobilites only ERASMUS+ countries are eligible.)



  • Regular students in doctoral/PhD studies
  • Ongoing studies
  • Short-term mobilities of 5 to 30 days in european destinations (see list of destinations)
  • Letter of recommendation (with justification from the supervisor for the place, purpose and duration of the stay)
  • Letter of invitation and contact person at host university



  1. If you are interested, please contact your supervisor at the mdw and ask for a letter of recommendation with the reason (place, purpose, duration) for the specific stay abroad
  2. Inform yourself about the possibilities and deadlines of a short-term PhD exchange at the desired host university
  3. Contact the desired host university (you will need a contact person at the chosen host university and a letter of invitation before you can register at mdw)
  4. Registration in Mobilty Online
  5. Request Confirmation of Acceptance from host university with exact dates of stay
  6. Filling in all data and uploading the documents etc. in Mobility Online
  7. Submit Confirmation of Stay with exact dates at the end of the mobility



Melanie Karner, BA
Short Term Mobilities and International Scholarships
T +43 1 71155-7424