Erasmus+ short-term mobilities can take place within the framework of Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs). A Blended Intensive Program is a combination of physical mobility and a virtual component that brings together students and teachers from different countries and fields of study and is intended to promote exchange and cooperation.


General conditions & requirements

  • A BIP is a combination of a virtual and physical component.
  • At least 3 partner universities (including the coordinating institution) must participate in a BIP.
  • The physical mobility must be for at least 5 days (maximum 30 days).
  • The virtual component can take place before, during or after the physical phase.
  • At least 10 (call 2023: 15) regular students must be physically mobile.
  • Inter-institutional agreements with the partner universities must be signed.


Scholarships for participation in a BIP

  • Only regular students of the mdw are eligible
  • Daily rate of €79 per day up to the 14th day, daily rate of €50 afterwards
  • up to 4 travel days possible
  • Travel expenses support according to EU guidelines (calculated according to calculation and transportation)
  • Participants with fewer opportunities can apply for a top-up of €100
  • For teachers, participation in a BIP is possible as a combined teaching and staff mobility as well as a staff training
  • For administrative staff, participation in a BIP is possible as a staff training


mdw as a coordinating institution

  • the organizing university receives so-called Erasmus+ OS funds (Organizational Support) as support for the additional work involved in the preparation, administration and implementation of the BIP, both for the physical and the virtual part. The Erasmus+ OS funds are made available to the organizing institute for the implementation of the BIP.
  • The organizing institution is responsible for the planning and implementation of the BIP (for the virtual & physical component).
  • Students of the organizing university can participate in the BIP, but do not count towards the minimum number of mobile participants
  • The mdw must issue a certificate with at least 3 ECTS to mobile students from partner universities.


If you are interested in organizing a BIP, please contact the International Office in advance.
BIPs must be applied within annual Erasmus call and must be approved by the National Agency.

If there are invitations to participate in a Blended Intensive Program at another institution (outgoing mobilities), please also contact the International Office.


More information on BIP's here.


Mag.a Bojana Tesan
Head of the International Office
T +43 1 71155-7410
Melanie Karner, BA
Short Term Mobilities and International Scholarships
T +43 1 71155-7424





