Teachers who would like to pay an Erasmus+ teaching mobility visit to the mdw must submit their application to the International Office at their home institutions. One’s home institution must be a partner institution of the mdw in one of the so-called programme countries—i.e., the EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. Official nomination by the international office or the Erasmus+ coordinator at one’s home institution is required. (The mdw reserves the right to reject applications.)

If an application is approved, the home institution and the applicant will receive an official Letter of Invitation from the International Office at the mdw. Furthermore, contact to the inviting mdw department will be provided along with contact to a colleague from the applicant’s own field. This colleague will function as the host.

In special cases, experts who do not teach at a tertiary-level partner institution but are professionally active in the programme countries and can provide learners with additional qualifications may be invited to come to the mdw as Incoming Experts in the context of Erasmus+ teaching mobility. Conduct of such a mobility visit is analogous to that of Teaching Mobility – Outgoings and is funded by the Erasmus+ programme funds.

Should you be interested in mobility for further training in forms such as sitting in on teaching or job shadowing or others, please turn to our Center for Further Education and/or check the information pertaining to Erasmus+ Staff Training on the mdw’s website.