Zoltán Juhász:
Hidden Network of Folksongs

"Forum Harmonik" together with
Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology"

Lecture in English

DATE: Montag, 18.03.2013

BEGINNING: 18.30 Uhr

VENUE: Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn-Saal

3., Anton-von-Webernplatz 1

Zoltán Juhász, was born in Budapest in 1955 and graduated from the Technical University of Budapest (Since 2000: Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1978. After having gained his doctorate degree (Doctor univ.) in the field of single crystal growth in 1982 at the Central Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he started working in the area of adaptive learning systems and elaborated a noise reduction system for early ethno-musical phonograph recordings as well as an adaptive control system for crystal growth equipments. Following these achievements, he obtained his PhD in 1997.
Being the scientific main fellow of the Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science in Budapest, he is currently focusing his research on the computer-aided study of folk music including interethnic connections.
Since 1977, he has collected, studied and played traditional flute and bagpipe music. Consequently, he has written three school-books about traditional flute playing and different Hungarian musical “dialects”, and two books about the last bagpipe and flute player herds of the Palóc (North-Hungarian) ethnic group. He teaches traditional flute playing at the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy, Folk Music Department, and at the Hungarian Folk Music School.
His folk music group “Egyszólam” (“Unison music”), singing and playing flute and bagpipe, interprets the music of Hungarian herds. Zoltán Juhász activities as a soloist include performances all over Europe (e.g. Great Britain, France, Poland, The Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Germany, Romania, and Belgium) as well as several recordings.