Lecture series on transculturality
Winter semester

Lectures - Artistic Contributions - Discussions

Dates: Wednesdays 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Fanny Hensel-hall
3, Anton-Von-Webern-Platz 1

The events are open to the public with free admission.


Winter semester 2015/16

14 October 2015
Music, Film and Politics
Lecture (in German): Thomas Burkhalter (Bern)
Norient – Multi-Local and Transdisciplinary Music Ethnology
Artistic contribution: Thomas Burkhalter, filmmaker
Ghana is The Future (Documentary 2014, English with German subtitles)
Commentary and moderation: Ursula Hemetek

► Abstract und Info

11 November 2015
Transcultural Education
Lecture (in English): Eva Fock (Copenhagen)
Global Outlook, Local Insight - A Thematic Global Approach to Music Education
Artistic contribution (in German): Tilman Fromelt, project leader and Ina Theißen, narrator
Project ‚Free Space Narration‘ (Brunnenpassage)
Commentary and moderation: Hande Sağlam

► Abstract und Info

9 December 2015
Philosophy and Composition
Lecture (in German): Wolfgang Welsch (Berlin)
Transculturality and Art
Artistic contribution: Johannes Kretz with students of the Institute for Composition and Electroacoustics
From Ivory Tower to Global Village?: Transculturality, Inspiration and Connection to Society in New Music
Commentary and moderation: Monika Mokre

► Abstract und Info

13 January 2016
Theatre and Society
Lecture (in German): Azadeh Sharifi (Berlin)
Postmigrant Theatre as New Trend on European Stages. Between Representation and Self-representation
Artistic contribution (in German): Tamara Metelka with students of the Max Reinhardt Seminar
Transitory Homeland
Commentary and moderation: Gin Müller

► Abstract und Info


Dates summer semester: 6 April, 4 May, 18 May, 22 June 2016

Project team: Ursula Hemetek, Daliah Hindler, Harald Huber, Therese Kaufmann, Isolde Malmberg, Gerda Müller, Hande Sağlam