Successful Performance of the Institute at the 42nd ICTM World Conference in Shanghai

The institute’s presence at the 42nd World Conference of the ICTM in Shanghai:

There were four people from the Institute of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology actively participating this conference:

Persenters were Ardian Ahmedaja (The Making of the Leader in Multipart Music: Experiences in the Border Area of Albania, Greece and Macedonia)
and Ulrich Morgenstern (The Quest for the Old Time (starina) in Russian Folk Music Discourse: Scholarship, Revival and Online Communities.

Wei-Ya Lin, a PhD candidate of our University organized a panel Music, Taboos and Values: Musical Creativities as Tool for Shaping New Identities among the Tao including the participation of one member of the indigenous community in Taiwan.
This appearance proved to be very successful and inspiring for the presenter as well as for the attendants. This way of doing research using the method of “dialogical knowledge production” seems to be one of the major future tools for ethnomusicology. The panel was sponsored by the ICTM Barbara Smith Travel Award as well as by the University of Music and Performing Arts.

Ursula Hemetek chaired the Meeting of the Study Group “Music and Minorities”. It was very well attended and due to one of the conference themes also being “Minorities” the Study Group got much support and inspiration for future work.

Photos by Ursula Hemetek