Music from Turkey in the Diaspora

Musik aus der Türkei in der Welt

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna / Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Anton von Webern-Platz 1 / Vienna 1030 Wien

Organized by / Veranstalter UNESCO-Working Group Vienna / UNESCO-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Wien and Institute of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology / Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie in cooperation with / in Kooperation mit dem Saz-Verein Vienna / Wien

Symposium chairs / Tagungsleitung Ursula Hemetek, Hande Saglam

No registration fee, but please register / Teilnahme kostenlos, um Anmeldung wird gebeten

Information and Registration / Information und Anmeldung
Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie
Anton von Webern-Platz 1, A-1030 Wien
Phone +43 (0)1 71155-4201, Fax +43 (0)1 71155-4299

Music and Minorities has been a longstanding focus of research and education in the Institute of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. These activities are in direct connection with “Cultural Diversity” as one of UNESCO’s main topics.

In this symposium, we want to concentrate on the music of a certain minority group: immigrants from Turkey. The starting point for choosing this theme was first of all the socio-political situation in Austria concerning Turkish immigrants, which is determined on the one hand by a long historical tradition of cultural exchange between Austria and Turkey and on the other hand by prejudices and stereotypes as well as Islam phobia.

The symposium’s focus will be on music making of immigrants from Turkey in different areas of the world. The “music making” includes the different styles, the mechanisms as well as the social and political frame. As a point of departure we suggest a categorization of scenarios that has been stated firstly during the symposium “Cultural Diversity in the Urban Area: Explorations in Ethnomusicology”, 2006. These are: internal practice, traditional music including teaching scenarios, public ghetto and world music. Integration should be an important aspect as well. The presenters will deal with diverse aspects of these categories in different countries (Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Bulgaria, Holland, France, USA, and Canada). We will have inputs by specialists from Europe as well as Canada and the USA. Thus, we will be able to have a comparative overview concerning the state of music making of immigrants from Turkey in different regions of the world, their different musical expressions as well as the political framework.

As this will be a symposium on music there will be  a concert in the evening of the first day, presenting musicians from Turkey living outside their country of origin: “Sound of Turkey”. A round table discussion on „Music and Integration“, focusing on political circumstances and the framing conditions of music making in Austria at the end of the symposium will aim at collecting ideas of
applying some of the results. The symposium will try to provide communication in two languages – English and German.