
2023–2025: Reverse Ethnomusicology: Migrant Musicians as Researchers. A Research Project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Principal Investigators: Ass.Prof. Dr. Anja Brunner (IVE/MMRC) and Dr. Conny Gruber (Phonogrammarchive, Austrian Academy of Sciences)

► Link to project page

2018: traditional ||:performance:|| art. Ethnographische Forschung auf der Bühne
Ein Artistic Research Pilotprojekt, gefördert von der Stabstelle für Forschungsförderung - mdw

► Project Application (in German)

2016-2018:  Musical identifications of young refugees
A research project (pilot project) of the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology in collaboration with young refugees.

► External advisor: Dr. Razia Sultanova
► Project Report (in German)
► Project Application (in German)
► Progress Report (in German)

2017-ongoing: Voice - The Sonic Dimension of Gender. Interdisciplinary Views on Voice in Opera, Pop and Traditional Music

► Project Application (in German)

2016-2017: Research Project Bi-/Multimusicality, as a part of the mdw-project"Changing mdw" (as a part of the mdw-project Bilder-Welten/Gedächtnisort)

results report Bi-/Multimusikalität (in German)
► project information Research Project Bi-/Multimusikalität (in German)
►"Changing mdw" (in German)