em. Prof. Mag. Dr. h.c. Walter Deutsch

The folk music researcher Walter Deutsch was born in Bozen in 1923. He is the founder and from 1965-1993 director of the Institute of Folk Music Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts (formerly School of Music and Performing Arts) Vienna.

Walter Deutsch is the author and editor of inumerable works, writings, and ORF-broadcasts on folk music in Austria. From 1992-1999 Deutsch was president of the Austrian Volksliedwerkes, and since 1999 remains honorary president.

As a editor of the multiple volume complete edition of Volkmusik in Österreich, Corpus Musicae Popularis Austriacae' he rejuvenated the defunct 1904 founding charter of the Austrian Volksliedwerkes, dedicated to the research and publication of traditional regional music in Austria.

Tonbandstiftung „Walter Deutsch”

Contact: +43/1/512-6335
e-mail: walter.deutsch@volksliedwerk.at