Lecture series on transculturality
Lectures - Artistic Contributions - Discussions

Summer semester 2016

Dates: Wednesdays 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Fanny Hensel-hall
3, Anton-Von-Webern-Platz 1
The events are open to the public with free admission.

 Summer semester 2016

6 April 2016

Collecting, Preserving, Transforming

Lecture (in German): Gerda Lechleitner (Vienna)

The Concept of Transculturality from a Scientific-Historical Viewpoint Exemplified by the Phonogram Archive

Artistic contribution: klezmer reloaded

Transmusical Congeniality

Commentary and moderation: Therese Kaufmann (mdw)

Abstract and Info


4 May 2016

Roma: Constructs and Self-perception

Lecture (in German):
Klaus Michael Bogdal (Bielefeld)

Transculturality or „Ethnic Autism“? The Location of the Roma in European Culture

Artistic contribution: Adrian Gaspar


Commentary and moderation:
Andrea Härle (Romano Centro)

► Abstract and Info


18 May 2016

Power Structures

Lecture (in English): José Jorge de Carvalho (Brasília)

Creating a Space for Transcultural Experience:
The Movement of “Meeting of Knowledges” in Latin American Universities

Artistic contribution: Ismael Ivo

Delirium of a Childhood (video recording)

Commentary and moderation: Ursula Hemetek (mdw)

► Abstract and Info


22 June 2016

The West and the Rest?

Lecture (in English): Nikita Dhawan (Innsbruck)

Can Non-Europeans Theorize?
Transnational Literacy and Planetary Ethics in a Global Age

Artistic contribution: MUTUA
Mamadou Diabaté (Burkina Faso), Jon Sass (USA), Wolfgang Puschnig (Austria)

Commentary and moderation: Ruth Sonderegger (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)

► Abstract and Info

Project team: Ursula Hemetek, Daliah Hindler, Harald Huber, Therese Kaufmann, Isolde Malmberg, Gerda Müller, Hande Sağlam