Past Activities

NOVEMBER 2018 >> CiMPo 04_Arrepentina - Dokumentarfilm von Marco Lutzu

NOVEMBER 2018 >> Buchpräsentation  - Transkulturelle Erkundungen


OKTOBER 2018 >> Workshop and Concert_LADO – National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia


SEPTEMBER 2018 >>  Ursula Hemetek to receive Wittgenstein Award!


JULY 2018 >> ICTM Joint Symposium of the Study Groups on Music and Minorities
                      and Music and Gender 23 July-30 July 2018

MARCH 2018 >>  Music for Dance_European Voices 5


2017 >>  2 Erasmus lectures Philip Ciantar

2017 >>  Workshop & Gastvortrag Rytis Ambrazevičius  


2016 >> Symposium: musica vulgaris and musica artificialis - The Social and Artistic History
               of Musical Instruments

2016 >> Sami Music – Sonic Politics in the European North

2016 >> CD Vol. 8 Präsentation_„Treasures of Fieldwork on Music and Minorities – A Selection of
               Ursula Hemetek’s Field Recordings“

2016 >> Reports ICTM Study Group Meetings

2016 >> isaScience 2016

2016 >>  wean hean – The Viennese Song Festival 2016_ Haydnlärm – Festival opening at the mdw

2016 >> Guest lecture and Workshop Zoe Dionyssiou

2016 >> Symposium Sexual Identities_Eurovision


2015 >> International Symposium European Voices IV

2015 >> Lecture Concert Lidija Bajuk: Folk Songs of Medjumure

2015 >>  Workshop und Konzert Somjit Da Gupta_ klassische indische Instrumentalmusik

2015 >>  Workshop und Konzert Tom Rustad und Odd Lund

2015 >>  isaScience 2015

2015 >>  Gastvortrag Tom Solomon


2014 >> Our PhD´s: ICTM Joint Meeting Austria, Italy, Slovenia

2014 >> Diplomproject -presentation von Markos-Sotiris Mühlschlegel-Triantafyllou

2014 >> Romaworkshop Ivana Ferencova

2014 >> Kick-Off-event Transculturality mdw

2014 >> guest lecture und workshop Odd S. Lund "Musikinstrumente aus Norwegen"

2014 >> guest lecture und workshop Gunnar Stubseid "Norwegische Geigenmusik"

2014 >> EMuK lecture

2014 >> guest lecture Razia Sultanova 


2013 >> Workshop - Plena: Urban Music from Puerto Rico_Javier Silvestrini

2013 >> Guest Lecture Ana Hofman

2013 >> Workshop "Landler in Upper Austria, review on types and special interpretation"_Volker Derschmidt

2013 >> Book presentation. A Bio-Bibliography of Gerlinde Haid (memorial evening)

2013 >> Workshop Ivana Ferencova

2013 >> Exkursion into Romano Centro

2013 >> Concert and Workshop russian folk musical instruments

2013 >> inaugural lecture Dr. Ulrich Morgenstern

2013 >> Report isaScience 2013

2013 >> Report of the 42nd ICTM World Conference in Shanghai

2013 >> Workshop Raga and Tala The classical music of North India

2013 >> Report Kunqu Opera „The Peony Pavilion“ - Lecture and Performance

2013 >> Report Symposium European Voices III

2013 >> Hiroshima-Koto

2013 >> Guest Lecture  Marin Marian-Bălașa

2013 >> International Symposium European Voices III

2013 >> Zoltán Juhász: Hidden Network of Folksongs

2013_Workshop on technique and repertoire of Scandinavian violin music with Harald Haugaard


2012 >> Swedish Violin Workshop with Anders Norudde

2012 >> The institute´s contribution at the Gala evening of the University

2012 >> The institute´s contribution to the "Childrens University"

2012 >> Focus on Indian Music

2012 >> Färöer – Presentation of a Student’s Excursion Project
2012 >> North Korea and the Mouth Organ: Isabella Krapf and the Pyongyang Mouth Organ - Ensemble

2012 >> 7. Study Group Symposium „Music and Minorities in Israel/Zefat

2012 >> Guest Lecture Mark Slobin

2012 >>  Guest lecture by Brigitte Bachmann-Geiser

2012 >> European Voices II - Mehrstimmiges  -  Book presentation and Georgian songs
by Rustavi Choir

2012 >> Guest lecture by Yannis Miralis
2012 >> Guest lecture by Britta Sweers

2012 >> Report on the symposium of the Study Group “Multipart Music” in Tirana/Albania
2012 >> Workshop on Roma Music and Dance with Ivana Ferencova
2012 >> Workshop with Gabriel Lenoir


2011 >>  Guest lectures of Emeriti Gerlinde Haid and Walter Deutsch

2011 >> Participation of the institute at the University’s Gala-Presentation

2011 >> Presentation of Swiss Folk Music: Alpini Vernähmlassig
2011 >> Kunqu- Classical Chinese Opera. Workshop
2011 >> Korean percussion: Workshop with Veronika Kim-Hauser
2011 >> Romanian Taraf-Music from Gorj
2011 >> Participation of the Institute in the project „Children’s University“
2011 >> International PhD college in Prague
2011 >> Academic farewell celebration and presentation of the Festschrift for Gerlinde Haid.
Gerlinde Haid, longstanding head of the Austrian National Committee has resigned in 2011. On this occasion the Institute organised a big event as farewell celebration including the presentation of the Festschrift.
2011 >> Öffentliche Präsentation der BewerberInnen Nachfolge Haid
2011 >> Guest lectures Bozena Muszkalska

2011 >> Excursion with the topic Theory and Practice of Gamelan
2011 >> Dance workshop Joropo
2011 >>  Academica celebration on the occation of the Honorary PhD for em.Univ.Prof. Walter Deutsch
2011 >> Lecture by Rudolf Pietsch „Impressions from the New World“


2009 >> Guest Lecture Bruno Nettl


2008 >> Symposium "European Voices II"


2007 >> Symposium Echoes of Diversity - Music from Turkey in

the Diaspora


2006 >> Symposium Cultural Diversity and the Urban Area 
