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If you are participating in a meeting via Zoom, you will be visible with your registered name and, in case of having enabled the camera, your picture. If you are participating in the discussion actively with a comment, under use of the microphone function, you are going to be heard and seen by all participants live. Since the meeting is recorded, video and audio recordings of your person will be produced for purposes of documentation and information of mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) and will be streamed live at mdw Mediathek ( The recording becomes part of the entire meetings recording and is going to be permanently accessible in the media section of mdw. Please consult our detailled data protection information. If you do not want to be part of the recording, please use a pseudonym for registration and do not enable camera or microphone functions while using Zoom. Those are deactivated by default by mdw in its capacity as host. An active participation in the discussion is only possible after activation of those functionalities.