Mag. art. Dr. phil. Ardian Ahmedaja
(Senior Researcher)

Born in Tiranë, Albania. 1983-1987 composition studies at the Academy of Arts in Tiranë. 1987-1991 composer at the State Theatre for Opera and Ballet and lecturer at the Academy of Arts.

Since 1991 in Vienna. Studied composition (with Erich Urbanner) and the theory of music (with Diether de la Motte) at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Vienna. Magister Artium in 1995 on the basis of treatises on Il primo libro di capricci (1624) by Girolamo Frescobaldi and Rendering (1990) by Luciano Berio. Studied European ethnology and musicology at the University of Vienna. PhD in 1999 based on the work Zur Melodik der albanischen Volkslieder. Eine Typologie der gegischen Lieder [On the Melody of Albanian Folk Songs. A Typology of Gegë Songs]).

Since 1999 researcher at the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In 2003 initiated the establishment of the Research Centre for European Multipart Music in and 2009 that of the ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music. Research areas up to now have been local practices in Albania and neighbouring countries, maqam, music and minorities, religious and secular musical practice, transcription and analysis, multipart music.

Fieldwork in several Balkan and Mediterranean countries, in the European Alpine region, Latvia, Belarus and in the USA.

Contact: +43/1/711 55 4284 | Room: AW U 0210

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