Ulrich Morgenstern

Curriculum Vitae

(last update: November 2023)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Morgenstern

Since 2012 full professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Institute of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, Chair of History and Theory of Folk Music.


Academic qualifications

2012                           Post-doctoral qualification (Habilitation) in Systematic musicology, University of Hamburg

2003                           Doctoral qualification (Doktor der Philosophie) in Systematic musicology, University of Hamburg

1993                           Magister thesises with Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schneider in Systematic musicology, University of Hamburg

1986–1993                  Student of Systematic musicology, Eastern slavistics, and history, University of Hamburg


Academic teaching

Since 2012                  University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

2012                           University of Colone

2011/2012                  University of Hamburg



2011                            State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart

2009-2011                   Goethe University Frankfurt

2008/2009                   Georg August University Göttingen




1989-2011                  Russia and Belarus (in cooperation with the Russian Institute of Art History in St. Petersburg), since 1994 also independent fieldwork)

2001                           Hungary and Croatia (in cooperation with Andor Végh)

since 2012                  Austria (Vienna, Lower Austria)


Research projects

2005–2007             Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft:

„Ich spiele nicht auf eure Art.“ Stil und Repertoire der traditionellen russischen Instrumentalmusik im Grenzgebiet zu Weißrußland als Faktor für die Bildung von ethnischer und Generationeniden­tität.                        

2011–2012             Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft:

                              Traditionelle Instrumentalmusik in den Gebieten Tver' und Smolensk. Musikerpersönlichkeit und lokales Repertoire. Eine ethnomusikologische Feldstudie.


Meeting organization

2009                           Annual meeting of the ICTM National committee

University of Hamburg, together with Prof. Dr. Tiago de Oliveira Pinto and Dr. Jörgen Torp


Scientific consultation

1999                            Consultation for the TV documentary „Abschied von Mechowoje – Die verborgenen Klänge Russlands“, Jochen Kraußer, Germany 2000.

since 2000                   Consultation of the program committee of the European Bagpipe Festival „Sackpfeifen in Schwaben“ (Balingen, Germany)



07/2008                       Karl Heinz Ditze-Preis für herausragende Examensarbeiten und Dissertationen



International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM, since 1994)

ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland (since 1994, vice-president 2004—2012)

ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources of Traditional Music (since 1998)

Wissenschaftliche Kommission des Österreichischen Volksliedwerks (since 2012)

ICTM-Nationalkomitee Österreich (since 2013)

ICTM Study Group on Multipart Music (since 2013)

ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World (founding member 2015, since 2018 Chair person)

Network for Academic Freedom (founding member 2020, since October 2021 Speaker of the section Cultural sciences)




1995    Volksmusikinstrumente und instrumentale Volksmusik in Rußland [Folk musical instruments and folk instrumental music in Russia], Berlin: Verlag Ernst Kuhn 1995, 291 p.

2007    Die Musik der Skobari. Studien zu lokalen Traditionen instrumentaler Volksmusik im Gebiet Pskov (Nordwestrußland) [Music of the Skobari. Studies on local traditions of folk instrumental music in the province of Pskov (North-West Russia], Göttingen: Cuvillier 2007, vol. 1: 397p., vol. 2: 514 p., with CD.


Edited books

2009    Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork. Studies in Systematic Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien (together with Rolf Bader and Christiane Neuhaus)

2013    Gerlinde Haid (1943-2012) Eine Biobibliographie (klanglese 8), Wien: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie (together with Ursula Hemetek). https://www.mdw.ac.at/ive/?PageId=3650

2022    Ulrich Morgenstern and Ardian Ahmedaja (Eds.). Playing Multipart Music. Solo and Ensemble Traditions in Europe. European Voices IV. Musik Traditionen/Music Traditions, Band 2. Wien: Böhlau. 29 audiovisual examples, 2022. 319 pp., b/w figures, list of audiovisual examples, notes on contributors, index. ISBN 978-3-205-21409-0 (hardcover). eISBN: 978-3-205-21410-6.



Since 2013: klanglese (serial of the Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie).


Articles in books and journals

2023    “ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World.” In Celebrating the International Council for Traditional Music: Reflections on the First Seven Decades. Svanibor Pettan, Naila Ceribašić, Don Niles (Eds.). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete UL. 317-321. https://e-knjige.ff.uni-lj.si/znanstvena-zalozba/catalog/view/344/662/7742-1

2022    (together with Ardian Ahmedaja). "Introduction." In Playing Multipart Music. Solo and Ensemble Traditions in Europe. European Voices IV. Musik Traditionen/Music Traditions, Band 2. Ulrich Morgenstern and Ardian Ahmedaja (Eds.). Wien: Böhlau. 9-21.

2021    “In Defence of the Term and Concept of Traditional Music.” In: Musicologist. An International Journal of Music Studies, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.33906/musicologist.913512

2021    “Музыкальный инструмент как кумир и как табу. Информационные «войны» в восточноевропейской этно-органологии и в популярном дискурсе [The musical instrument as an idol and a taboo. "Information wars" in Eastern European ethnoorganology and in the popular discourse]”. In: Т. Л. Беркович (Ed.) Музыкальная культура Беларуси и мира: актуальные проблемы этномузыкологии, истории музыки, педагогики Научные труды Белорусской государственной академии музыки Выпуск 52. Минск. 47-58.

2020    "Northwest Russian Fight Dance Lomat’sya in Local and National Discourses: Music Anthropology of Violence, Masculinity, and Cultural Criticism." In  Tradition and Transition A Selection of Articles Developed from Paper Presentations at the First and the Second Symposia of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World. Sonja Zdravkova Djeparoska (ed.). Skopje: ICTM National Committee of Macedonia. 271-286.

2020    "Music-Making in the Field and Beyond. Performance-Aided Research and Research-Aided Performance in Ethnomusicology." In Understanding Musics. Festschrift on the Occasion of Gerd Grupe’s 65th Birthday. Malik Sharif, Kendra Stepputat (Eds.). Düren: Shaker Verlag. 353-370.

2020    “Volksmusikalische Erneuerungsbewegungen in Österreich und Deutschland seit dem 19. Jahrhundert Impulse – Wechselwirkungen – Abgrenzungen [Renewal movements in folk music in Austria and Germany since the 19th century. Impulses, interactions and demarcations].” InSchichten – Strömungen – Spannungsfelder. Volksmusikalische Zeitfenster in Salzburg 1816–2016. Dokumentation des Symposions auf Burg Hohenwerfen, 9.–11. November 2016. Wolfgang Dreier-Andres (Ed.), Salzburg: Eigenverlag Salzburger des Salzburger VolksLiedWerkes. 397-428

2019    “Die frühen Jahre des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes im Kontext der europäischen Volksmusikforschung und der internationalen Ethnomusikologie [The early years of the Austrian Folksong Society in the context of European folk music research and international ethnomusicology].” Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes, Band 67/68. 95-107.

2019    “Droneless Double-Chanter Bagpipes in Comparative and Historical Perspective.” In The Ninth International Symposium on Traditional Polyphony. Rusudan Tsurtsumia, Joseph Jordania (Eds.). Tbilisi: International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi Vano Sarajishvili State Conservatoire. 443-453.

2019   “Nationale Distinktion und Interethnik als positive und negative Modelle im europäischen Volksmusikdiskurs [National distinction and interethnics as positive and negative models in the European folk music discoruse].” In Volksmusik und (Neo)Nationalismus. Tagungsband zum Grazer Symposium zu Volksmusikforschung und -praxis, 8.-10. November 2017. Eva Maria Hois (Ed.), Graz: Verlag Steirisches Volksliedwerk. 33-56.

“The Role and Development of Musical Instruments in European Folk Music Revival and Revitalization Movements. Some Common Trends”. In Traditional Music and Dance in Contemporary Culture(s). Jana Ambrózová and Bernard Garaj (Eds.), Nitra: Constantine the Philosopher University. 10-27.

2018    “Debating “national ownership” of musical instruments. The balalaika as a subject of ethnopolitical discourse.” In Turkic Soundscapes. From Shamanic Voices to Hip-Hop. Razia Sultanova, Megan Rancier (eds.). Routledge: London, New York: 177-195.

2018    “The Gudok, a Russian Bowed Lute: it's Morphology, Tunings and Playing Techniques.” The Galpin Society Journal LXXI. 9–128.

2018    Towards the History of Ideas in Ethnomusicology. Theory and Methods between the Late  18th and the Early 20th Century, in: Musicologist. An International Journal of Music Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1. 1-31 (http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/498520).

2017    “Volksmusik und Folklore” [Folk music and folklore]. In Global Pop. Das Buch zur Weltmusik. Claus Leggewie, Erik Meyer (eds.). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 26-34.

2017    “Imagining Social Space and History in European Folk Music Revivals and Volksmusikpflege. The Politics of Instrumentation”. In European Voices III. The Instrumentation and Instrumentalization of Sound. Local Multipart Music Cultures and Politics in Europe. Ardian Ahmedaja (ed.). Wien: Böhlau, 207-232.

2016    “European Traditions of Solo Multipart Instrumental Music. Terminological Problems and Perspectives." In Res Musica 8. Žanna Pärtlas (ed.) 100-115.

2016    “Musikalische Lernorte im privaten und öffentlichen Raum. Beispiele aus Volksmusiklandschaften des Alpenraumes und Osteuropas [Places of musical learning. Examples from folk music regions of the Alps and Eastern Europe]”. In Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes, Band 65. Erna Ströbitzer (ed.). 18-26.

2015    “Folk Music Research in Austria and Germany. Notes on Terminology, Interdisciplinarity and the Early History of Volksmusikforschung and Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft, in: Musicologica Austriaca – Journal for Austrian Music Studies (http://www.musau.org/parts/neue-article-page/view/17).

2015    “Types and Rhythms of Texture. Russian Multipart Folk Instrumental Practice as a Challenge to Musicological Terminology”, in: Multipart Music. Personalities and Educated Musicians in Traditional Practices. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Multipart Music, Budapest, 2013. Lujza Tari, Pál, Richter (eds.). Budapest: Research Centre for the Humanities HAS 2015, S. 17-43.

2015    “Zur Umwidmung des Deutschen Volksliedarchivs in Freiburg (1914–2014): Ein persönlicher Rückblick [Towards the redesignation oft he German Folksong Archive in Freiburg (1914–2014). A personal retrospective] ”, in: Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes, Band 64. Erna Ströbitzer (ed.). 136-138.

2015    “Dichten und Tanzen als soziale Interaktion. Beobachtungen zur russischen častuška und verwandten Gattungen [Poetry and dance as social interaction. Observations on the Russian chastushka and related genres].” In Der Tanz in der Dichtung - Dichter tanzen. Walter Salmen in Memoriam. Gabriele Busch, Salmen, Monika Fink, Thomas Nußbaumer (eds.). Olms: Hildesheim, Zürich, New York. 303-327.

2014    “Grenzziehungen und Grenzüberschreitungen in Volksmusikkulturen.” In Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes. Band 63. Erna Ströbitzer (ed.). 113-131.

2014    “‘Ofitsial’naia narodnost’ v istoricheskoi organologii sovetskogo perioda [‘Official folkishness’ in historical organology of the Soviet period].” In Voprosy instrumentovedeniia, vyp. 9. Sbornik stat’ei i materialov Vos’mogo mezhdunarodnogo instrumentovedcheskogo kongressa ‘Blagodatovskie chteniia’ (2-5 dekabria 2013 g.). Ol’ga Kolganova et alii (eds.). Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History, 104-111.

2014    “Zehn populäre Vorurteile über Volksmusik.” In Jahrbuch des Österreichischen Volksliedwerkes. Band 63. Erna Ströbitzer (ed.). 113-131.

2013    “Dynamics of Identity in Russian Instrumental Folk Music Culture.” In Mūzikas akadēmijas raksti , vol. VIII, Riga: Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmija. Baiba Jaunslaviete (ed). 42-52.

2012    “Istoriia volynki i sovremennaia volynochnaia mifologiia. Inogda koza – ėto prosto koza [The history of the bagpipe and contemporary bagpipe mythology. Sometimes a goat is just a goat].” In Aŭtėntychny fal’klor: Prablėmy zachavannia, vyvuchėnnia, usprymannia. Zbornik navukovykh prats udzel’nikaŭ VI Mizhnarodnai navukova-praktychnaj kanferėncyi (Minsk, 27-29 krasavika 2012 g.). Marina A. Mazhejka (ed.). Minsk: BDUKM. 10-15.

2012    “Volynochnye naigryshi u russkikh garmonistov [Bagpipe tunes of Russian button accordion players].” In: Severobelorusskii sbornik. Obriady, pesni, naigryshi, plachi, vorozhba. Aleksandr Romodin (ed.). Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. 168-208.

2011    “Egalitarianism and Elitism in Ethnomusicology and Folk Music Scholarship.” In Systematic Musicology: Empirical and Theoretical Studies (Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 28). Albrecht Schneider, Arne von Ruschkowski (eds.). Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang. 249-282.

2011    “Russkaia chastushka kak ėtnomuzykovedcheskaia problema [The Russian chastushka as an ethnomusicological problem].” In Fol’klor i my. Traditsionnaia kul’tura v zerkale ee vozpriiatiia. Sbornik nauchnykh statej, posviashchennyi 70-letiiu I.I. Zemcovskogo, ch. II. Nailia Al’meeva et alii (eds.). Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. 83-99.

2011    “Sovmestimost’ i nesovmestimost’ mestnykh instrumental’nykh repertuarov: Nabliudeniia nad vospriatiem chuzhogo u derevenskikh muzykantov Russkogo Severo-Zapada [Compatibility and incompatibility of local instrumental repertoires. Observations on the perception of the alien by rural musicians in the Russian Nortwest].” In Kontonatsiia: Perspektivy muzykal’nogo iskusstva i nauki o myzyke. Ol’ga Kolganova (ed.). Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. 26-32.

2010    “The double clarinet trostyanki in the Pskov region. Once more on the sources of Russian accordion playing.” In Concepts, Experiments, and Fieldwork. Studies in Systematic Musicology and Ethnomusicology. Rolf Bader, Christiane Neuhaus, Ulrich Morgenstern (eds.). Frankfurt a.M. [...]: Peter Lang. 325-349.

2010    “’Aber was das ist, Rock ’n’ Roll, davon hatten wir keine Ahnung.’ Populargattungen und mündliche Tradition in der russischen Dorfmusik.” In Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland. Band XVII. Marianne Bröcker (ed.). Bamberg. 43-67.

2010    “’Musicae subtilioris ignari sunt’ – ‘einen beinahe auch liebreicheren Ton’. The Western Reception of Russian Folk Instrumental Music and Dance in the 16th to the 18th Centuries.” In Historical Sources and Source Criticism (ICTM Study Group on Historical Sources: Proceedings from the 17th International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, May 21-25, 2008). Susanne Ziegler (ed.). Stockholm: Svenskt visarkiv. 269-288.

2010    “Ob ėtnoorganologii i nekotorykh natsional’nykh konceptakh [Towards ethnooorganology and some national concepts].” In Voprosy instrumentovedeniia.Vyp. 7. Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. 205-219.

2010    “Überlegungen zu den russisch-ostseefinnischen Wechselbeziehungen in der traditionellen Instrumentalkultur.” In Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte, Bd. 5. Mati Laur, Karsten Brüggemann (eds.). Tartu: Akadeemiline ajalooselts. 205-219.

2009    “Ritual – Epos – Tanz. Die deutsche Anti-AKW-Bewegung aus ethnomusikologischer Sicht.” In Lied und populäre Kultur (Song and Popular Culture 54. 273-310.

2009    “Die Sackpfeifenmelodien der russischen Harmonikaspieler.” In Musical Acoustics, Neurocognition and Psychology of Music Musikalische Akustik, Neurokognition und Musikpsychologie. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 25. Rolf Bader (ed.). Frankfurt a.M. [...], 201-232.

2009 “’Nothing but a bagpipe’ – A study of the Russian Volynka.” In Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis (New Series) I. Gisa Jähnichen (ed.). Münster: MV Wissenschaft. 193-222.

2008    “Der Skobarja von Velikie Luki und angrenzende instrumental-vokale Formen im Gebiet Tver’ (ethnische und ethnomusikalische Identität).” In: Systematic and Comparative Musicology: Concepts, Methods, Findings. Hamburger Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 24. Albrecht Schneider (ed.). Frankfurt a.M. [...]. 399-442.

2008      “’My dazhe ne znali, chto ėto <Skobar‘!>’ Toponmika i ėtnonimika v nazvaniiakh traditsinnykh russkich naigryshej [“We even didn’t know that this is the Skobar’’. Toponymics and Ethnonymics in the designation of traditional Russian instrumentals tunes].“ In Vostok i zapad: ėtnicheskaia identichnost’ i traditsionnoe muzykal’noe nasledie kak dialog tsivilizatsii i kul’ur. Elena Shishkina (ed.) Astrakhan: Ministerstvo Kulʹtury Rossiiskoj Federatsii. 61-64.

2008    “O vozmozhnykh reliktakh skomorosh’ego intonirovaniia na Pskovshchine [On possible relicts of minstrel manners of performance in the Pskov province].” In Instrumental'naia muzyka v mezhkul'turnom prostranstve. Problemy artikuliatsii. Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. Igor’ Matsievskii (ed.). 16-22.

2007    “Musik und Eros im traditionellen russischen Kurzlied (častuška).” In Berichte aus dem ICTM-Natonalkomitee Deutschland XV: Stimme und Instrument in musikalischen Regionalkulturen der Gegenwart, Freie Berichte”. Marianne Bröcker (ed.). Bamberg: 2007. 97-106.

2007    “Novyi istochnik dannykh o russkom narodnom instrumentarii v Povolzh’e XIX veka [A new source on folk musical instruments  in the Volga basin in the 19th ct.].” In Stat’i i materialy Piatoi Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii „Blagodatovskie chteniia“.  Sankt-Peterbur: Russian Institute of Art History. 38-43.

2006    “Concepts of the National in Russian Ethnoorganology.” In Tautosakos darbai XXXII 2006 (Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis XVI), Vilnius: Lietuvių Literatūros ir Tautosakos Institutas. 148-160.

2004    “Lauter Zwischentöne im Klassenkampf. Deutsche Folkmusik als inszenierte Gegenkultur.” In Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27. März.

2000    “Aktuelle ethnoorganologische Feldforschungen im Nordwesten Rußlands (Pskov, Novgorod).” In Zeitschrift für Systematische Musikwissenschaft 6/2-3/ 1998, Bratislava. 207-235.

2000    “K voprosu o zhanrovoi sisteme traditsionnoi instrumental’noi muzyki Russkogo Severa i Severo-Zapada: forma – funktsia – artikuliatsiia – terminologiia [Towards the genre system of traditional Russian instrumental music of the Russian Nort and Nortwest. Form – function – articulation – terminology].” In Instrumento­vedcheskoe nasledie E. V. Gippiusa i sovremennaia nauka. Sankt-Peterburg: Russian Institute of Art History. 28-32.

1999    “’So gleich auf Anhieb kommst du hier nicht klar.’ – Zum Lernprozeß in der russischen instrumentalen Volksmusik.” In Berichte aus dem ICTM-Nationalkomitee Deutschland, VIII: Prozesse der Aneignung (nicht nur) traditioneller Musik in den eigenen – aus fremden Kulturen, Freie Berichte. Marianne Bröcker (ed.). Bamberg. 111-128.

1998    “Zur Tradition der Bordunbalalaika im Gebiet Pskov (Nordwestrußland)”. In Berichte aus dem Nationalkomitee des ICTM, VI/VII: Musik und Symbol – Musik und Region – Freie Berichte. Marianne Bröcker (ed.). Bamberg. 131-145.

1998    “Zur Tradition der Flügelzither Gusli im Gebiet Novgorod” In:  Berichte aus dem Nationalkomitee des ICTM, VI/VII […]. 183-196.

1998    “K voprosu o korniakh sovremennoi traditsii igry na balalajke i na garmonike v Rossii [Towards the roots of contemporary tradition of playing the balalaika and the button accordion in Russia].” In Sud’by traditsionnoi kultury. Sbornik statej i Materialov pamiati Larisy Ivlevoi. Vera Ken (ed.). Sankt-Peterburg. Dmitrii Bulanin. 164-186.

1996    “Traditsionnaia instrumental’naia muzyka v Kadomskom rajone Riazanskoi oblasti [Traditional instrumental music in the district of Kadom of the Riazan’ province]”. In Ėtnografiia i fol’klor Riazanskogo kraia. Riazan’. 100.


Lexicon articles

2006    Kvitka, Klyment Vasylovich. In Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens (EEO), Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt: http://eeo.uni-klu.ac.at/index.php/Kvitka,_Klyment_Vasylovič

1998    Instrumentale Volksmusik. In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik begründet von Friedrich Blume. Zweite, neubearbeitete Ausgabe, hg. von Ludwig Finscher. Sachteil, Bd. 8, Artikel „Rußland“, Kassel: Bärenreiter. 657-666.


Audio-visual publications

1996    Traditional Russian Instrumental Music (Four-hour commented DVD, ed. by Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Hamburg)

1995    Igraj, dudka! – Spiel, Dudelsack! (Studio St. Petersburg, Leitung: Aleksandr Romodin). LuboMusik. LC 7154, (commentary).