Philip V. Bohlman

Prof. Dr. Philip V. Bohlman, Ph.D., FBA


The University of Chicago

Mary Werkman Distinguished Service Professor of the Humanities and of Music

Associate Faculty, Divinity School

Member of the Center for Jewish Studies

Member of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies

Member of the Committee on Southern Asian Studies

Member of the Center for Eastern European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies

Affiliated Faculty, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

Member, Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture

Artistic Director, “The New Budapest Orpheum Society,” Ensemble-in-Residence, University of Chicago

Honorarprofessor, Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover

Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy

Co-editor, Acta musicologica



Ph.D.  Ethnomusicology/Musicology (1984) – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

M.M.   Ethnomusicology/Musicology (1980) – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.M.   Piano (1975) – University of Wisconsin-Madison


Additional Teaching and Research Positions

Assistant Professor of Music, MacMurray College (1982–84)

Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, University of California at Berkeley (Fall 1984)

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh (1984–85)

Junior Fellow, The Society for the Humanities, Cornell University (1985–86)

Assistant Professor of Music, University of Illinois at Chicago (1985–87)

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Deutsches Volksliedarchiv, Freiburg im Breisgau (1990–91)

Gastprofessor, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Institut für Volkskunde (1990–91)

Fulbright-Gastprofessor, Universität Wien, Institut für Musikwissenschaft (1995–96)

Guest Professor, Università degli Studi di Bologna (Spring 1996)

Visiting Fellow, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna, Austria (Sommersemester 1999)

Gastprofessor, Universität Wien (Sommersemester 1999 – Blockseminar, Musikwissenschaft & Judaistik)

Visiting Professor, University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Fall semester 2002, Springsemester 2003, Winter term 2005, Spring 2007)

Berlin Prize Fellow, American Academy of Berlin (Fall semester 2003)

Gastprofessor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Sommersemester 2005) Class of 1960 Visiting Scholar, Williams College (September 2005)

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Ethnomusicology and Ritual Studies, Yale University (Fall semester 2006)

Visiting Faculty, Centre Marc Bloch, Französisch-deutsche Universität, Berlin Sommerakademie 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

Farrell Artist in Residence, Beloit College, February 2011

Gastprofessor, Universität der Künste, Berlin, Sommersemester 2012

Research Fellow, Phonogramm-Archiv, Ethnologisches Museum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (June–October 2012)

Visiting Professor and Fellow, Mandel School of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University in Jerusalem Winter semester, 2013–14

Franz Rosenzweig Gastprofessor, Universität Kassel, Sommersemester 2014

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, 2013–2014



General Editor (with Martin Stokes), Grove Musics in Global Perspective, Oxford Univ. Press

Coeditor (with Federico Celestini), Acta Musicologica (2010–2015)

General Editor, “Recent Researches in the Oral Traditions of Music,” A-R Editions

Co-General Editor, “Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology,” The University of Chicago Press

Advisory Editor, “World Music Series” ABC-CLIO Books (2000–2006)

Co-Series Editor (with Martin Stokes), “Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities,” Scarecrow Press

Co-General Editor (with Ronald Radano), “Big Issues in Music,” The University of Chicago Press

Editorial Board, “The New Cultural History of Music,” Oxford University Press

Associate Editor, Grove Music Online, Oxford University Press


Editorial Board Membership

Editorial Board, Grove Music Online, Oxford University Press

Advisory Board, The Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd edition. (Responsible for “Music and Religion”)

Adviser for “Middle East,” The Revised New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, revised edition, Macmillan (2001)

Music Editor, Encyclopedia of Chicago History, Newberry Library, University of Chicago Press

Editorial Board, Ethnomusicology

Editorial Board, Music and Anthropology

Editorial Board, The Journal of Musicological Research

Editorial Board, The Journal of Musicology

Scientific Advisory Board, European Meetings in Ethnomusicology

Editorial Board, Radical Musicology

Editorial Board, Musica Judaica

Editorial Board, Musica Humana

Editorial Board, Nineteenth-Century Music Review

Editorial Board, International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music

Editorial Board, Music and Contemporary Culture

International Advisory Board, Narodna umjetnost: Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research

International Advisory Board, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia


Academic and Professional Honors

2013 Jaap Kunst Prize from the Society for Ethnomusicology for the Outstanding Article in Ethnomusicology (“Analysing Aporia,” in Twentieth-Century Music)

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, 2013–2014

John F. Larchet Memorial Lecture, University College Dublin (April 4, 2012)

Noah Greenberg Award for Historical Performance, American Musicological Society (2011)

Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 2011)

Victor E. Ferrall, Jr. Endowed Artist-in-Residence, Beloit College (2011)

Donald Tovey Memorial Prize, Oxford University (2009)

Honorarprofessor, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover (elected 2009)

Derek Allen Prize for Outstanding Work in Musicology, The British Academy (2007)

Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy (elected 2007)

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Ethnomusicology and Ritual Studies, Yale University (Fall 2006)

Royal Holloway—British Library Distinguished Lectures in Musicology (2006-2007)

Chair, International Advisory Council, International Ernest Bloch Conference (Cambridge, 2007)

Board of Trustees, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress (2005-2007)

Class of 1960 Visiting Scholar, Williams College (September 2005)

Werner Grilk Lecture in German Studies, University of Michigan (2004)

Berlin Prize, American Academy in Berlin (2003)

1999 “Award for Excellence in Graduate Education,” University of Chicago (1999)

Brittingham Visiting Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 1998)

Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association (1997)

Recipient of award for an “Outstanding Academic Book for 1988” from Choice, for The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World (Indiana University Press)

Winner in the 1985 competition of the National Foundation for Jewish Culture Post-Doctoral

Publication Program, for “The Land Where Two Streams Flow”: Music in the

German-Jewish Community of Israel (University of Illinois Press)

Nomination for “Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977




The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

• Second, revised edition, in preparation.

“The Land Where Two Streams Flow”: Music in the German-Jewish Community of Israel. Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, 1989.

The World Centre for Jewish Music in Palestine, 1936–1940: Jewish Musical Life on the Eve of World War II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Excursions in World Music (co-authored with Bruno Nettl, Charles Capwell, Thomas Turino, Charles Capwell, Isabel K.F. Wong, and Timothy Rommen).  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992. 6th, revised edition, 2011

Central European Folk Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources in German. New York: Garland, 1996.  (Garland Series in Music Ethnology)

The Folk Songs of Ashkenaz  (with Otto Holzapfel). Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, 2001. (Recent Researches in the Oral Traditions of Music, 6)

World Music: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. (Very Short Introductions)

Jüdische Volksmusik – Eine mitteleuropäische Geistesgeschichte. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2005. (Schriften zur Volksmusik, 21)

Music and European Nationalism: Cultural Identity and Modern History. Denver: ABC-CLIO Books, 2004. (World Music Series)

Jewish Music and Modernity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. (AMS Studies in Music)

Focus: Music, Nationalism, and the Making of the New Europe. 2nd revised edition. New York: Routledge, 2011.

Revival and Reconciliation: Sacred Music in the Making of European Modernity. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, in press. (Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities)

Hanns Eisler – „In der Musik ist es anders” (with Andrea F. Bohlman). Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich, 2012. (Jüdische Miniaturen)

Wie sängen wir Seinen Gesang auf dem Boden der Fremde! Jüdische Musik zwischen Aschkenas und Moderne. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2015.


Open-university textbook (Israel)

Historia ve-metodologia shel ha-etnomusikologia  (“The History and Methodology of Ethnomusicology”).  Unit 2 for the course, Ha-moreshet ha-musikalit shel k’hilot yisrael  (“The Musical Traditions of the Ethnic Communities of Israel”).  General editor, Amnon Shiloah.  Ramat-Aviv:  Everyman’s University Press, 1985.

Edited Books

Ethnomusicology and Modern Music History  (with Stephen Blum and Daniel M. Neuman). Urbana:  University of Illinois Press, 1991.  Second printing in paperback 1993.

• Chinese edition, 2009.

Comparative Musicology and Anthropology of Music:  Essays on the History of

Ethnomusicology  (with Bruno Nettl).  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1991.

Disciplining Music:  Musicology and Its Canons (with Katherine A. Bergeron).  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.  Paperback edition, 1996.

Land without Nightingales:  Music in the Making of German-America (with Otto Holzapfel). Madison:  Max Kade Institute for German American Studies, 2002.  (Studies of the Max Kade Institute for German American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Music and the Racial Imagination (with Ronald M. Radano).  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 2000.  (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology)

Music in American Religious Experience (with Edith Blumhofer and Maria Chow).  New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

• Edited for “Oxford Scholarship Online” (2008)

Celtic Modern: World Music on the Global Fringe (with Martin Stokes). Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2003. (Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities)

Jewish Musical Modernism, Old and New. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.

Antropologia della musica nelle culture mediterranee: Intepretazione, performance, identità /

The Musical Anthropology of the Mediterranean: Interpretation, Performance, Identity (coedited with Marcello Sorce Keller). Bologna: CLUEB, 2008.

Balkan Epic: Song, History, Modernity (coedited with Nada Petković). Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2012. (Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities).

Resounding Transcendence: Transitions in Music, Ritual, and Religion (coedited with Jeffers Engelhardt). New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Jazz Worlds/World Jazz (coedited with Goffredo Plastino). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.

The Cambridge History of World Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

This Thing Called Music: Essays in Honor of Bruno Nettl (coedited with Victoria Lindsay Levine). Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.


Special Issue of a Journal

Music in the Ethnic Communities of Israel (co-edited with Mark Slobin).  Asian Music 17, 2 (Spring/Summer 1986).

Poland – Music, Lyric, Nation.  Special issue of European Meetings in Ethnomusicology 10 (2003).


Book Completed upon Author’s Death

Israeli Folk Music:  Songs of the Pioneers. Ed. by Hans Nathan, with Foreword and Afterword by Philip V. Bohlman. Madison, WI: A-R Editions, 1994.  (Recent Researches in the Oral Traditions of Music, 4)


Books in Preparation or under Contract

Music Drama of the Holocaust: Opera and Performance in Theresienstadt.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, under contract.  (Cambridge Studies in Opera) 

Herder on Music and Nationalism. Berkeley: University of California Press, under contract.


Book Projects in Early Stages

The Oxford Musics of the World. 5 volumes. New York: Oxford University Press. Under contract. Projected publication:

Vol. 1: The Origins and Ontologies of Music (2015)

Vol. 2: The Musical Human (2021)

Vol. 3: Empire and Encounter (2017)

Vol. 4: Nationalism and Modernity (2013)

Vol. 5: Globalization and the 21st Century (2019)

The Silence of Music. (The Royal Holloway–British Library Lectures in Musicology). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

The Cambridge Introduction to Ethnomusicology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge Introductions). Under contract.

The Eurovision Song Contest (to be coauthored with Martin Stokes). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Encyclopedia Project in Planning Stage

Grove Music in Global Perspective. A series of eight edited volumes to be published by Oxford University Press and Grove Music Online (Oxford University Press). General Editors:

Philip V. Bohlman and Martin Stokes. Individual volumes with two or three editors:

Volumes currently under discussion:

Global Popular Music

Sacred Music and World Religion

Indigenous Musics of the World

Political Economies of World Music (Nationalism, Colonialism, Empire)

World Music and the Global Stage (Music Theater, Film)

Folk Music, Globally Considered

Music and Media

The Study of World Music – Ethnomusicology, Popular Music Studies


Compact Discs

Performance and Artistic Conception

Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano: Jewish Cabaret, Popular, and Political Songs, 1900-1945. The New Budapest Orpheum Society. Chicago: Cedille Records. 2002.

Moments Musicaux et modernes: Jewish Modernism in Popular and Political Music. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. CD accompanying the book, Jewish Musical Modernism, Old and New.

Jewish Cabaret in Exile. The New Budapest Orpheum Society. Chicago: Cedille Records, 2009). CDR 900000 110.

As Dreams Fall Apart: The Golden Age of Jewish Stage and Film Music, 1925–1955. Cedille Records. CDR 90000 151. October 2014.

CD Editing

CD accompanying the book, Musik der Juden im Burgenland, ed. by Gerhard J. Winkler. Eisenstadt: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem Burgenland, 2006.

CD accompanying the book, Land without Nightingales:  Music in the Making of German-America.  Madison:  Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, University of Wisconsin, 2002.

CD accompanying the book, The Music of European Nationalism:  Cultural Identity and Modern History. Denver: ABC-CLIO, 2003.

CD accompanying the book, Focus: Music, Nationalism, and the Making of the New Europe. New York: Routledge, 2011.

CD accompanying the book, Balkan Epic: Song, History, Modernity. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2011.

Double CDs accompanying the book, Jazz Worlds / World Jazz. Chicago: Unviersity of Chicago Press, in preparation.


Performance Activities

The New Budapest Orpheum Society (Philip V. Bohlman, Artistic Director)

The New Budapest Orpheum Society is a Jewish cabaret ensemble, for which Philip V. Bohlman serves as the Artistic Director. The eight-member cabaret has been an Ensemble-in-Residence in the Humanities Division of the University of Chicago since 2007. As Artistic Director, Philip Bohlman conducts the research that produces the repertory for the ensemble, he prepares publications and recordings, he writes program notes, and he serves as the conférencier during performances.

The New Budapest Orpheum Society has given ten performances annually since 2000, about half of them in synagogues or Jewish cultural institutions, about half at universities, museums, and public stages throughout the United States and Europe.

After an international tour in Austria and Germany in winter 2009, the New Budapest Orpheum Society began work on a new project to perform and record music for Yiddish and German-Jewish film from the 1920s into the 1950s (As Dreams Fall Apart).

The New Budapest Orpheum Society explores and performs music created by Jewish popular musicians during the Holocaust, including in the cabarets of the ghettos and concentration camps. For the research leading to new performances and the new CD project, Representing the Holocaust, Resounding Terezín, the ensemble received the 2011 Noah Greenberg Award from the American Musicological Society.

In April 2010, the NBOS collaborated with playwright, Tony Kushner, in preparing incidental music for his play, But the Giraffe, a curtain-raiser for his translation of Hans Krása’s Brundibár. Philip Bohlman has written the introduction to the publication of the play and the opera translation.


Christine Wilkie Bohlman (piano) and Philip V. Bohlman (voice)

Philip V. Bohlman and Christine Wilkie Bohlman (University of Chicago) prepare programs of works for the dramatic stage of the concentration camps, integrating these into lecture-performances and free-standing performances. In recent performances, they have taken the final work from the Theresienstadt concentration camp on tour internationally, Viktor Ullmann’s melodrama, Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke (1944). On November 6, 2010 they performed in the Chicago Humanities Festival. In October 2011, they performed Die Weise on a twin-bill with the University of Texas opera production of Viktor Ullmann’s Der Kaiser von Atlantis. Christine and Philip Bohlman are preparing a recording of Ullmann’s Cornet, together with Oskar Fried’s 1914 melodrama, Die Auswanderer.

For research and performance of music from the concentration camps, Philip Bohlman received the 2009 Donald Tovey Memorial Prize from Oxford University.

bohlman_photo.jpg Philip V. Bohlman