Lujza Tari

Tari, Lujza, CSc (b. 1948) Hungarian ethnomusicologist, senior researcher at the Institute of Musicology Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Budapest, and associate professor at the Liszt Ferenc Music University Budapest (Hungary).

She continued her musical studies at the F. Liszt Music University Budapest (1967-1972 piano, choir conductor and music teacher) where she obtained a diploma in 1972. Ethnomusicology: private studies with Prof. Benjamin Rajeczky. She carried out her first folk music fieldwork as a high school student (1966-67). Alongside her university studies she worked during 1968-69 in the Folk Music Department of the Ethnographic Museum in Budapest as an unpaid assistant. In 1970 she was invited to the Institute of Folk Music Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as a contributor. After completing her university degree she began work as an ethnomusicologist at the same institute (between 1974-2011 Institute of Musicology of HAS Budapest): www.zti. hu/Népzene- és néptánckutató osztály és archívum/

Since 1980 she has been a member of the Musicology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and its Secretary between 1980-85 and 1999-2006. From 1988-1994 she was the Academic Secretary of the Institute for Musicology of the HAS.

1993 degree in sciences (CSc) with a dissertation on Hungarian manuscripts with musical transcriptions in the first half of the 19th century.

1996-2007 Chairperson of the Hungarian National Committee of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). Member of other academic societies: Hungarian Kodály Society, Hungarian Musicological Society.

Fields of research: folk and traditional music and musical instruments, interethnic relations and minority affairs, the history of research into instrumental music in Hungary (Kodály, Bartók, Lajtha, Rajeczky and others), folk song, popular art music and instrumental musical collections of the late 18th century and the 19th century, the connection between popular poetry and art poetry, folk and art music in the 19th and 20th centuries, the Verbunkos and the Gypsy bands of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the context of folk, broader traditional and art music.

From 1974-79 and 1993-1998 she taught Hungarian folk music at the Bartók Secondary Music School Budapest), 1988-1991 lectures on different ethnomusicological topics at the Folklore Faculty of Eötvös University Budapest, 1980-93 guest lectures at the Liszt F. Music University Budapest, primarily on the topic of folk music instruments and instrumental folk music. Since 2003  she has been teaching different topics as an associate professor at the Liszt F. Music University Budapest. (ók/)

1976-2012 various guest lectures at universities in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy and the USA.

She has carried out fieldwork in several villages and towns in Hungary and among Hungarians in Transylvania (today Romania), Burgenland (Austria) and Slovakia, and among Germans, Slovaks, Croats, Romanians, Gypsies, Ruthenians and in Armenia.

Author of books and CDs, CD-ROMs, E-books and several studies. Participant in and organiser of many conferences.

She is also active in public life through radio and television programmes, newspaper articles and participation in juries at different kinds of folk music festivals.

For her works see: acsess (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára)



2007 Honorary citizen of the town of Pásztó.

2010 Honorary citizen of the County of Nógrád.

2013 Bence Szabolcsi Musicological Prize.

TARIFoto.JPG Lujza Tari