
Kudekuoja, Kudėkakoja, Kudoja, etc., 

Dialect terms, synonyms (v, third person; inf. kudakuoti, kudekuoti, etc. ‘cackle, cluck’) ‘cackle like hens’ [People began poking fun at these hymn singers. ‘When they got teased that they were clucking like chickens, then they’d sing as one’, explained E. Janavičienė (born in 1841). Stasys Paliulis wrote that there had even been a special parody created in which fun was made of the “clucking” by the hymn singers. The women would engage in a dialogue, as though they might be chickens, and would “cluck” a song: “čia tavo, čia mano, sudėsim abieju – bus tik mūsų dviejų” ‘this yours, this mine, put ‘em both, ours both’. Singer E. Bratėnaitė (born in 1852) described the events: “this was the way the fellers sang, laughing at the gals, who were singing the sutartinės” (LLIM: 413).].

Kai pašidydavo, kad kaip vištos kudoja, tai iš vieno giedodavo” ‘When they got teased that they were clucking like chickens, then they’d sing as one’ [Pad. E. Janavičienė-Tamėnaitė, g.1841 m. Suvaizdžių k., 1936 m.].