Friday, 3 May – Saturday, 4 May 2019
9:00 – 17:30

mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Fanny Hensel Hall

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienn

The discussion about the need for a decolonisation of knowledge production and critical reflection on “epistemic violence” as described by G. Ch. Spivak has become a central aspect of the postcolonial discourse in recent years. Assuming that this need is also an urgent and ongoing task in academia, the symposium wishes to elaborate the conditions for a “Decolonising of Knowledges” particularly at art universities and in the artistic and cultural field. Investigating the relations between knowledge and power, it looks into the proposal of a “Meeting of Knowledges” and suggests “Decolonising ‘World Music’” as a way of critically re-framing the musics of the world in the context of current practices, struggles and conditions of production and consumption.

Please register (participation free of charge):

Preparatory team: Julia Fent (Coordination), Ursula Hemetek, Harald Huber, Therese Kaufmann, Gerda Müller, Hande Sağlam.

For requests and further information, please contact:
Julia Fent | Tel.: +43 1 71155-4216 | E-Mail:


► Programme Book

► Flyer


Friday, 3 May | Meeting of Knowledges

9:00     Registration

9:30     Opening

Welcome address by Gerda Müller, Vice Rector for Organisational Development, Gender & Diversity, mdw

Introductory remarks by Ursula Hemetek, Director of the Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, mdw

10:00-11:00 Lecture (Chair: Ursula Hemetek)

José Jorge de Carvalho

► Meeting of Knowledges: A Movement to Decolonize the
    Modern Western University in Latin America

Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Lecture (Chair: Marko Kölbl)

María do Mar Castro Varela

► What to Do with the University?: A Tricky Question

Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 Panel Discussion

► José Jorge de Carvalho, María do Mar Castro Varela,
    Rasika Ajotikar (discussant) and Marko Kölbl (moderator)

Coffee break

15:30-17:30 Workshop

► Basma Jabr, Nataša Mirković, Golnar Shahyar, Sakina Teyna
    South-Eastern Vocal Styles


Saturday, 4 May | Decolonising “World Music”

9:00     Welcome Coffee

9:30     Opening

Introductory remarks by Harald Huber, Department of Popular Music, mdw


10:00-11:00 Lecture (Chair: Therese Kaufmann)

Michael Birenbaum Quintero

► “World Music” from Home and Local Music from Abroad:
    Cosmopolitan Case Studies from Colombia

Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Lecture (Chair: Harald Huber)

Gabriele Klein

► Decolonising Dance: The Example of “African” Dancer
    and Choreographer Germaine Acogny

Lunch Break

13:30-15:00 Panel Discussion

► Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Gabriele Klein, Frank Klaffs (discussant)
    and Julio Mendívil (moderator)

Coffee break

15:30-17:30 Concert


►Amir Ahmadi, Omid Darvishi, Helene Glüxam, Sarvin Hazin,
   Sebastian Simsa

