We aim to organise this event in accordance to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings in order to contribute to resource conservation, climate protection, regional added value and raising awareness.

This is how you can support us in this endeavour:

  • Use public transportation, the bicycle or walk.

  • Avoid rubbish in the best way possible and separate unavoidable rubbish on site according to the specifications of the waste management system.

  • Use 100% recycled paper or non-chlorine bleached (TCF) paper for necessary printing.

Thank you very much

If you would like to learn more about our university's environmental commitment, have a look at the website mdw.ac.at/gruene-mdw

This event is organised in accordance to the guidelines of the Austrian Eco-label for Green Meetings in order to contribute to resource conservation, climate protection, but also regional added value and raising awareness.