Eigenklang - the radio programme of the Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology

This is the radio programme of the Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology. Current events, projects and issues which are being worked on at the Institute are made accessible to a broader audience via “Eigenklang" (Own Sound), its own radio programme. Alongside the aesthetic qualities of the different kinds of music which can be well conveyed by radio, the socio-political dimension of research is also relevant for the design of the programme. The academic content is presented in an easily comprehensible form, and the programmes offer information and auditory impressions.

Dr. Ursula Hemetek



[2019 - 2023] MA Bianca Ludewig

[February-May 2019] Mag. Sophie Rastl

[2015-2019] Nikolaus Fennes

[2012-2014] Gregor A. Grömmer

[2011-2012] Marko Kölbl

[2006-2011] Gregor A. Grömmer

[2000-2005] Mag. art. Mag. phil. Dr. phil. Stephan Hametner

Design and moderation of the ethnomusicological radio programme Eigenklang of the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna on Radio Orange 94.0 Mhz (60 programmes in total)

Students of the course "Students make radio

Partner of Eigenklang: Radio Orange

Eigenklang can also be heard on the following stations throughout Austria:
Radio Proton, Vorarlberg / Radio Helsinki, Graz / Radiofabrik, Salzburg / Campusradio 94.4, St. Pölten / Freier Rundfunk Oberösterreich / Freies Radio Salzkammergut / Emap.fm / Tinya.org