Folk Music Revival and Revitalization Movements

by Ulrich Morgenstern

Academic, and even more popular discourses on folk music are often linked to cultural and cultural-political revival and revitalization movements, striving, since the late 18th century, for different motivations, to implement elements of folk music in the musical life of their times. In folk music research and ethnomusicology these movements (folk music revival, Volksmusikpflege or historically oriented performance) are established as a topic on its own, beyond normative discourses of “authenticity”. Hereby different positions of academic research to revival and revitalization movements in the focus as well as their possible association with national and social romanticist and their possible entanglement in chauvinist and totalitarian ideologies but also tendencies of their depoliticization in the present time.

See also Publication list Morgenstern, in particular:

  • Imagining Social Space and History […] (2015).

  • Nationale Distinktion und Interethnik als positive und negative Modelle […] (2019).

  • The Role and Development of Musical Instruments […] (2019).

  • Volksmusikalische Erneuerungsbewegungen in Österreich und Deutschland […] (2020).