Lecture-Performance and Master Class with Kiya Tabassian and Charbel Rouhana - Setar and Oud

Kiya Tabassian and Charbel Rouhana, two masters of setar and oud, will demonstrate their instruments and will introduce the creative process in the field of their respective music and musical traditions from Persian and Arabic cultures.

Kiya and Charbel will start with a lecture-performance and will then offer a public master class with selected participants. You can attend as audience member or master class participant.

In cooperation with the Music Festival Salam Orient.

Zeit & Ort
10. Mai, 11:00
Fanny Hensel-Saal
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien


Martina Krammer
T +43 1 71155-4201

Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie


Masterclass | Performance

Kiya Tabassian, Setar
©Juan Manuel Lobatón Kiya Tabassian, Setar ©Juan Manuel Lobatón ©Charbel_Rouhana ©Charbel_Rouhana