European Voices II_Bd. 22
Ardian Ahmedaja/Gerlinde Haid/ (eds.)

European Voices I. Multipart Singing in the Balkans and the Mediterranean.
With Summaries in German. CD and DVD with Audio and Video Examples Included. Schriften zur Volksmusik.

Böhlau-Verlag, Vienna 2008

The Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie (IVE) and the Böhlau Verlag are pleased to present Volume 22 of their series “Schriften zur Volksmusik” with the results of long-standing cooperation among specialists of multipart music in southern Europe. In this volume, the latest results of researchers with extensive fieldwork experience are presented in word, sound and pictures. In addition, singing styles which were previously unknown in the scholarly literature, such as those of Spain and the French mainland, are examined for the first time. The inclusion of the Balkans was a decisive factor, also in order to perceive the musical cultures of this area as definitely belonging to the European cultural tradition, which is still not taken for granted.

Ardian Ahmedaja / Gerlinde Haid (eds)
European Voices I. Multipart Singing in the Balkans and the Mediterranean. With Summaries in German. CD and DVD with Audio and Video Examples Included. Schriften zur Volksmusik. Band 22. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2008.

Orders to: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage