Acoustic Lab

From simple acoustic measurements on musical instruments to complex three-dimensional radiation characteristics, the institute's laboratory offers a variety of different analysis methods.

The large selection of different measurement sensors, such as special microphones, pressure and force sensors, as well as various vibration exciters such as shakers, pressure chamber loudspeakers and impulse hammers offer individual solutions for measurement problems.

A large number of flexible mounting components make the necessary mechanical structures quickly realizable and expandable. Flexible measuring set-ups are possible on laboratory tables specially designed for our requirements.

We develop in-house: Whether electronics, mechanics, software – it is often necessary in research operations to develop and manufacture acoustic transducers, controls, etc. by yourself. A large number of processing machines are available in the mechanical workshop for this purpose. In the electronics laboratory, you will find everything you need for the construction of electronic circuits, material and tools. Various software development systems such as Labview, Matlab, etc. help to engineer individual software solutions for the required measuring task.

Our laboratory computers are equipped with special signal acquisition and I/O modules as well as multi-channel sound cards. Different computer systems can be used for image acquisition according to requirements.

In order to offer our students the opportunity to carry out measurements and research work in the field of music acoustics even without technical training, the IWK offers special seminars such as Acoustic Practical Course, Computer and Media Practice, Research Seminar, Equipment Knowledge for Musicians (please see our teaching websites for more information).