David M. Weigl

Phone: (+43 1) 71155-4312


David Weigl

Curriculum Vitae

David M. Weigl is an interdisciplinary researcher in cultural and social informatics.

After completing his BSc(Hons) in Computer Science and MSc by Research in Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, he spent several years in industry as a database and web developer for flight search engine Skyscanner. In 2010 he went to Montreal, Canada, where he joined the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research for Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) as Research Axis Coordinator and Student Representative on the Student Executive Committee. He pursued his doctoral studies under the supervision of Catherine Guastavino at the School of Information Studies, McGill University, culimating in his doctoral thesis on Rhythmic Information as a Relevance Criterion for Music Information Retrieval. He also acted as sessional lecturer on the course "Information System Design", and as teaching assistant for the "Database Design and Development" and "Multimedia Systems" courses.

For four years (2014—2018) he worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Oxford e-Research Centre, University of Oxford, where he worked on projects including the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded Transforming Musicology and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council-funded Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption, applying Semantic Web technologies within the field of Digital Musicology, and around music-industry related topics. During this time he was also involved in the organisation of international workshops as a member of the Programme Committee for Digital Libraries for Musicology, and as Proceedings Chair for Semantic Applications for Audio and Music, and taught within the Digital Musicology strand of the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School.

In September 2018 he joined the Department of Music Acoustics — Wiener Klangstil at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria, working as Data Officer on the EU Horizon 2020-funded TROMPA project: Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives (2018-2021), where he continued his applied research on semantic technologies and music. From September 2021, he is acting as Principal Investigator of the FWF-funded digital musicology research project Signature Sound Vienna.

His publication list is available on ORCID.